Man, there are some real sour puss assholes on this site. Must be spreading from the nation.
Flipping him a little shiz is one thing. I chuckled at the 1000 hp comment. Continually giving it to him, or ridiculing the truck he is using is just sad.
Everyone was a noob at one time.
My suggestion would be to talk to Swamps or Diesel Innovations about building you an engine if you really want that kind of horsepower. Use someone who has built engines with that kind of power. It takes some smarts to keep a 7.3 together at that level.
I wouldn't waste money on a T-500 if you are going to 900 hp, unless 400 hp of it is spray.
Lol workin on and building are to different term's. The compound are still in the design and waiting on parts stage. Im going with so di or murf headers and going to a t4 flange im still trying to find what turbos will work good with each other. And as for the wont get past the 400hp mark comment it wont be right away this is a long term build. But some day ill have the dyno sheets to prove it
I don't think anybody is trying to be a dick. But when you come on with a truck that is stock except for a edge box and want a high powered compound 7.3 and your parts list doesn't include anything like a built bottom end. It's kinda far fetched. My suggestion is go do a lot of research. My suggestion is a 38r, smaller hybrids and all the supporting mods.
Also judging by your profile picture it's a work truck. I think in the end you would be much happier if you didn't try to build a work truck into a high powered toy.
I see were your coming from. Thats why im looking for help finding parts for the bottom end and yes the truck is pretty much stock i do a i do have a ts with tw tunes on it. And as far as this being a work truck it is not. This is my dd, tow rig that i pull my horse trailer with ever weekend and its been down the drag strip numerous times its slow haha. I built the flat bed my self because the fenders fell off and i wanted a flatbed. This truck is a perfect candidate for a high power build its been stock for pretty much all of its life its tight and clean and straight. And the main reason is cause its paid off so i can afford to "play" with it.
With all due respect, that's all fine and good...but heavy truck + high horsepower = lots of broken, expensive parts that make truck go. Rest assured many who have commented here have tried that recipe, and found it foul tasting.
But by all means, show everyone how it's done :ford:
copy my sig if you want around 515-520hp. I myself have build and parts building up to start my spring build of around 600hp clean. until its time to drop in the second charger and pony up the cash for billets ill be playing with cryod rods on a 74mm turb, 300/200s with ported heads/fire ringed with factory gaskets and arps. ill be seeing how far this t500 can go. I have a full fuel system to support up to 350cc injectors and for the bottom end ill just be girdling and arp studding it with a half filled block. I think that will be a pretty wild set up once I finish it. Im ordering my BTS in just a short while because this 5spd'er is getting OLD.
once you get too around 500hp it gets expensive real quick. your looking at around a 700HP motor with a huge shot to make 900. if your willing to pay to play then youll have a great time building this and having some fun with it as long as you do it right.
i have come to realize that this site is nothing more than a bunch of people that seem know everything and have more money than everyone else. and do nothing but put everyones rigs and ideas down. just my .02 but i feel that some will agree with me. sorry for the derail.
Some guys are dicks lol. Like earlier stated.. everyone's a noob at one point. You think Brian got where he is now by osmosis? No trial and error are the biggest teachers. Fortunately there are fine establishments like this to get advise ( and criticism) from, in his defense he was talking about billet rods last week when we chatted bout this