7.3 Low Oil Pressure on Rebuild


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Jun 9, 2011
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Surrey B.C.
FYI. I thought my rebuilt engine was toast.

Mech gauge in the top of the res. 11psi at idle. 22 at wot.

Moved the gauge to the test port in the filter housing. 60lbs at cold idle and with a short run over 1400rpm can crack 75psi.
Hot idle is 16psi and wot is 55+

Been 3 years now.
Very odd on a common shared oil system to see that much variance.
Literally no matter how hard I tried and what I changed. The pressure Would not exceed 22psi in the res at any rpm.
Not sayin that's your issue. But check at the mains.

Black 02

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Jun 4, 2012
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Woodland, WA
Well, I think I'm gonna take the LPOP off and check it and the front cover. After that, maybe the engine will come out.

Sounds like maybe I should be getting more oil pressure at cold idle as well. Sounds like most people are 40+ psi. I realize every engine is different.

I'm starting to wonder if the engine builder left an oil galley plug out. After the crap I've found leading up to this, I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm having a hard time thinking the oil relief in the oil cooler head would cause low pressure cold, but decent pressure revved up. Of course those Mellings are supposed to pump a lot of oil.

I should have just got an engine from Swamp's like I had originally planned. :(


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Jun 23, 2011
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I dont know about the melling pumps but i know that it will ruin the cover if it is installed wrong. Then when you replace the pump with a new pump it to wont hold oil pressure.

My initial thought is the lpop. But different approach than you. I believe he put a stock gerotor in and had the outer gear in backwards. It'll build pressure but nit very well or for very long. It would also tear the piss out of the front cover and actually clearance itself into the cover.

The op said its leaking there now. Im gonna stay with the notion on this one that the lpop is wrong. I emailed them when I was inspecting my motor and they did say that the likelihood of one of those lpops being bad out of the box was nearly impossible. The goop that is on them is actually the same crap that they pump through them to test each one.


New member
Jun 23, 2011
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FYI. I thought my rebuilt engine was toast.

Mech gauge in the top of the res. 11psi at idle. 22 at wot.

Moved the gauge to the test port in the filter housing. 60lbs at cold idle and with a short run over 1400rpm can crack 75psi.
Hot idle is 16psi and wot is 55+

Been 3 years now.
Very odd on a common shared oil system to see that much variance.
Literally no matter how hard I tried and what I changed. The pressure Would not exceed 22psi in the res at any rpm.
Not sayin that's your issue. But check at the mains.

"Being pissed off, I went in the house for awhile to cool down. Went back out and plumbed the gauge in by the oil filter housing. Engine was cold then. Fired it up Idle pressure was like 25-30 PSI cold and then as it warmed up, it kept falling to down around 5 PSI at an idle when warm. When the truck was fully warm, I revved it to 2000 RPM and the hot oil pressure was about 55-60 PSI at the filter.*"

The part in "s dieselboy is the op's wording of moving his mechanical gauge from the hpop res to different locations.

Sounds messed up.


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May 23, 2011
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Twin Falls, Idaho
I've seen the exact same symptoms as you have twice now. I suspect you have a large oil leak. First truck had 101000 miles, and we discovered a cam bearing rolling around on the cam. Second was a new build. Pulled the trans and rear cover to discover an oil galley plug popped out the back of the block. As it turned out, the machinist pressed it in a little crooked, and one new galley plug and trans install later we were rolling again. Be cautious about driving it because you can count on next to no oil pressure for the bearings next to the leak.


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May 18, 2011
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Bend, OR
Well, I think I'm gonna take the LPOP off and check it and the front cover. After that, maybe the engine will come out.

Sounds like maybe I should be getting more oil pressure at cold idle as well. Sounds like most people are 40+ psi. I realize every engine is different.

I'm starting to wonder if the engine builder left an oil galley plug out. After the crap I've found leading up to this, I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm having a hard time thinking the oil relief in the oil cooler head would cause low pressure cold, but decent pressure revved up. Of course those Mellings are supposed to pump a lot of oil.

I should have just got an engine from Swamp's like I had originally planned. :(

I'm only an hour or so away if you need a hand...


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Dec 9, 2012
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There was a guy fighting low oil pressure after a rebuild, and after much headache , he found out his engine builder left a rear oil galley plug out. Just food for thought
I've seen the same. tiny freeze plugs near the cam under the rear cover left out by the machine shop

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May 19, 2011
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Sorry this is so long.......

FYI. I thought my rebuilt engine was toast.

Mech gauge in the top of the res. 11psi at idle. 22 at wot.

Moved the gauge to the test port in the filter housing. 60lbs at cold idle and with a short run over 1400rpm can crack 75psi.
Hot idle is 16psi and wot is 55+

Been 3 years now.
Very odd on a common shared oil system to see that much variance.
Literally no matter how hard I tried and what I changed. The pressure Would not exceed 22psi in the res at any rpm.
Not sayin that's your issue. But check at the mains.

I have seen this a number of times and once on my setup when I was running dual HPOPs without adding an extra feed line to the HPOP Res. That in combo with faster injectors using more oil mine were not huge but still 200% 460cc More oil was ending up going down thru the HPOP system and into the pan.

Here is what I see is happening:

While in a stock system its a good universal place if you have to have only one for the oil pressure switch if you really want to know the pressure that is going thru the passages in the block its likley the worse place. To me the HPOP res is the low pressure side of the engines oil system (LPOP). Its nothing but a holding tank to supply oil to the HPOP/injector system.

Now look at the system itself:

It has one pipe feeding the HPOP Res and it was sized for a stock demands. Yes good amount for growth compared to what its was used for stock but still it was setup to handle a standard HPOPs volume as well injectors. Run a dual hpop (as you are Ryan with your dual termy) and even more so if you run a remote IPR and have it exiting to the pan and not back into the res. Also any extra oil in the res just dumps down the front cover so its not as if its under a very restricted return orifice.

When I installed dual stealth HPOPs you could watch the stock gauge bounce all over the place and the oil pressure light would trip. Put a mechanical gauge and ran it into the cab and you could see the same thing. It would bounce off the zero pin stop and back up to the normal range. When ever you had a high HPOP demand especially at lower rpms you could easily see this dramatic dance. You could watch the pressure move all around based on the HPOP demand and RPM.

Yet at the block locations pressure was always much higher pressures and no where as erratic. There would be some variation but pressure was always decent.

Added a Melling LPOP (BTW the Melling is not direction dependent on install like the OEM pump. The gear can go in either way. There is no arrow or direction, its the same.)

The addition of the Melling helped across the board but in the same ratio of oil pressure variation. So all the pressures were higher but still the large variation.

Added a extra -6an oil feed line from the block up to the HPOP Res ( this is where that extra HPOP spacer such as Bob Riley and Riff Raff sell helps out with the extra ports in it) I drilled mine into the stock res. Now you have another source feeding the HPOP Res and a more powerful pump to help keep up with over all demand. Now pressure stayed above the 10 psi no matter the peak demand and no more oil pressure light and engine block pressure stayed at the top end as well. All was good.

When the engine gets hot its not as if there is for sure less flow it can be just less resistance as the viscosity is now much lower and as its a fixed rot pump its moving the same amount of oil for a given RPM. The exception to this is when you have a issue such as oil passing by the LPOP becasue of wear in the front cover or some other wear at the pump etc. The thicker oil does not flow past but as it thins it can and does so and this is actually effecting flow rate.

The Riff Raff or Diesel Site HPOP Res spacer neither helps or hurts the actual oil pressure. What it does is to increase total HPOP Res capacity and as an aside it also increases total engine oil capacity by the same amount. This is helpful when running large HPOP and oil hungry injectors in that it gives more capacity before it's empty which then causes injector running issues.

The second the oil capacity in the HPOP res drops enough to effect the pressure you are going to see that on the gauge. There could still be oil right up to the top of HPOP Res drain even over it pouring down the front cover but its no longer under positive pressure in the HPOP Res compartment. This has no effect on the injectors or HPOP system as its the HPOP that is what makes pressure there. But it sure looks to scare the crap out of you as that is where Ford/IH decided was best for the engine oil pressure switch. Frankly if you have to run only one it sort of makes sense to cover all the systems yet 2 would be better.

The other benefit as I mentioned to that spacer is it has IIRC -6an ports. That is perfect for running extra oil feed lines to the res from the block.

So, as long as there is any pressure at all during the peak demand then it going to have no neg effect on the HPOP/injector system. If there is any pressure then you know the Res is at the very least full and as it feeds the HPOP from the bottom of the Res that means you are GTG.

Even though its not a negative to the HPOP injector side of things it can still have an effect on over all engine oil pressure. As the HPOP res pressure increases that allows for that resistance to increase pressure in the rest of the block oil passages in ratio to it. So while it does not effect the injector pressure, those increased demands still can have an over all effect.

The answer there has always been to swap to the Melling which you have. Not to mention others are running similar setups and not having the large variations you show especially at the block at idle.

To answer your question in regards to the oil pressure regulator in the oil filter block being able to drop idle pressure but you still get higher RPM pressure: The regulator could be allowing some oil flow to pass by it at all pressures including low (basically its not closing the full amount it should) but the the LPOP spins up with RPMS its able to overcome this and reach its max pressure as its a small bypass bleed. So its enough to effect the low rpm pressure where the pump is moving far less oil. If you were to shim that regulator you can increase the block oil pressure even higher that 60-70 psi at higher RPMS. Without the regulator oil pressure would keep increases in ratio to rpms so 65@ 2K rpm would be what at 3.5 or 4K rpm?

I am not saying that is the answer or what is wrong just that this is how it "could" cause the issue you are seeing.

I think in this case looking at the HPOP vs engine block oil system the symptoms points to it being on the engine oil system side or LPOP side.

I am quoting some of the info you have put up in a few of your posts so we can have it all in one place. It will be the oil pressures at the block (oil filter) and at the HPOP Res so we can see the relationship.

"Plumbed in the mechanical gauge on the top of the HPOP reservoir, there was like 2-5 PSI when the oil was hot. Rev it up to 2000 RPM and it had like 45 PSI."

" plumbed the gauge in by the oil filter housing. Engine was cold then. Fired it up Idle pressure was like 25-30 PSI cold and then as it warmed up, it kept falling to down around 5 PSI at an idle when warm. When the truck was fully warm, I revved it to 2000 RPM and the hot oil pressure was about 55-60 PSI at the filter. I put the ford sending unit back in and the gauge would drop to nothing when the engine was fully warm. Rev it slightly and the light would go off and the gauge would register."

Oil Pressures:


**Hot: Idle: 2-5 psi 2000 rpm: 45 psi

Engine Block (oil filter block):

** Cold: Idle: 25-30 psi

** Hot: Idle: 5 psi 2000 rpm: 55-60 psi

So if this was a issue say with the HPOP system pulling oil somehow etc you would see a large variation between it and the engine block pressure. Example of this would be DieselBoy. But that is not what we are seeing. Here you have hot idle psi being almost exactly the same at both the Res and the block(oil filter mount port location)

Rev it up under no demand using very little oil in the system as most of it is passed thru the IPR and back into the res. So the rev ups not under load being so close is not surprising.

But the hot idle being the same and the fact there is this huge drop off from cold to me looks as if there is a leak/bleed somewhere in the LP system.

My first thought keeps coming back to that oil bypassing the LPOP and specifically the front cover mating surface. Its from your comments about it Ryan.

You said the builder said the LPOP was shot, but it was relatively new Melling, so if it was bad it had to be from the engine letting go. But at the same time you said the same front cover was reused but that you did not inspect it prior to its reuse for this build. Further you are noticing oil drip from the LPOP mounting bolt location. All of that with the what you are seeing with oil pressure would have me checking into that first.

While less likley especially as you have already check it the pressure reg in the oil filter mount.

One thing to take away from this that is sort of positive is whatever is the issue with the oil pressure bleed its relatively small in terms of volume of oil. Otherwise you would not see pressure shoot up the second any RPMS over idle are spun up. Its not that it only gains proportionally but it actually jumps up to the top end limits of the oil pressure regulator. Thus unless its something mechanical like a oil cooler jet etc it sounds like the engine is getting lubrication. Thus chance of damage might be minimal. Still I would want to figure out the issue.


When you replaced the oil cooler's o-rings I assume you made sure all the passages thru the cooler were clean and unobstructed? I figure as much by what you wrote just wanted to be sure.

Pull the LPOP. Clean up the its mounting surface on the front cover and take some detailed photos of it as well as the the mating surface of the pump. Also check the seals etc as you should not have oil coming from the pump front cover joint. H-Balancer if they tried to bang it on etc I have seen oil leaks more often.


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Jun 23, 2011
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I saw what he said about the builders comments on his melling being junk. I didnt take it in good faith that he did indeed put a new melling in.

Pertaining to the balancer installation, do you think a balancer could even be hammered on a 7.3. Ive removed and reinstalled dozens of them and the last quarter inch drawing them tight is bleepity bleep bleep.

Op, if you do remove the h balancer and inspect the lpop, MAKE DAMN SURE you use a self aligning bushing and the tapered nose that should come with a puller. Ive seen people screw threads up doing them. Tapping the crankshaft snout is not fun. Ive had to do that a few times too, lol.
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Mar 19, 2012
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I saw what he said about the builders comments on his melling being junk. I didnt take it in good faith that he did indeed put a new melling in.

Pertaining to the balancer installation, do you think a balancer could even be hammered on a 7.3. Ive removed and reinstalled dozens of them and the last quarter inch drawing them tight is bleepity bleep bleep.

Op, if you do remove the h balancer and inspect the lpop, MAKE DAMN SURE you use a self aligning bushing and the tapered nose that should come with a puller. Ive seen people screw threads up doing them. Tapping the crankshaft snout is not fun. Ive had to do that a few times too, lol.

This is spot on. Exaclly!!


Active member
Oct 15, 2011
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FYI. I thought my rebuilt engine was toast.

Mech gauge in the top of the res. 11psi at idle. 22 at wot.

Moved the gauge to the test port in the filter housing. 60lbs at cold idle and with a short run over 1400rpm can crack 75psi.
Hot idle is 16psi and wot is 55+

Been 3 years now.
Very odd on a common shared oil system to see that much variance.
Literally no matter how hard I tried and what I changed. The pressure Would not exceed 22psi in the res at any rpm.
Not sayin that's your issue. But check at the mains.
holy crap...first person I've ever heard having this issues....other than me. Have been chasing it awhile...figured that the twin pumps were just pulling that much oil but wasn't sure...now I may have to through it on the test port and find out!

anyways, carry on...

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May 19, 2011
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I saw what he said about the builders comments on his melling being junk. I didnt take it in good faith that he did indeed put a new melling in.

Pertaining to the balancer installation, do you think a balancer could even be hammered on a 7.3. Ive removed and reinstalled dozens of them and the last quarter inch drawing them tight is bleepity bleep bleep.

Op, if you do remove the h balancer and inspect the lpop, MAKE DAMN SURE you use a self aligning bushing and the tapered nose that should come with a puller. Ive seen people screw threads up doing them. Tapping the crankshaft snout is not fun. Ive had to do that a few times too, lol.

I ruined a fluidmaster balancer because I was not paying attention. Nice costly screw up.

Black 02

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Jun 4, 2012
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Woodland, WA
I truly wish to thank everyone of you. I've appreciated every bit of advice I've been given. This is why I love coming on here. People have offered advice and hands to help me. People I've never met in my life. Says a lot about this group of people. If any of you were/are the SW Washington/Portland area, I'd buy you a beer or beverage of choice. I'll be at the diesel nationals at Woodburn on the 28th also. Thanks again! :thumbup:

That being said, I've decided that I'm gonna go ahead and pull the engine out and check a couple things. Dave with Swamps was kind enough to e-mail me back even while on vacation to chime in about my engine. His opinion is that my engine is missing (1) of the (2) oil galley plugs in the engine. He said my oil pressures described are what he'd expect with one plug missing. Thanks again Dave! :bowfast:

I've heard more than one person say it as well. Not saying Dave is the only guy to listen to. I'm listening to everyone. I'm still going to pull the LPOP and check the cover, pull the oil cooler and check the relief valve, and then the front and rear cover to check the oil galley plugs. Spending the money I've spent on this thing, I won't sleep right until I check those plugs myself. If nothing comes up in that search, I'll assume a bearing somehow got smoked and proceed from there. I'm really hoping it's one of those plugs. The most definitive solution to a problem. I like that.

With all of the crap problems I've had with the engine builder, I just don't trust him. Everytime I asked a direct question about something on the engine, it turned out to be a lie. Used parts, improper installation, and etc etc etc. I don't want to say too much now because this ordeal isn't finished and we still need to settle our differences financially. I don't know how that will all hash out, but that's for another time. Right now my priority is getting my truck back on the road after waiting for an engine for over 12 months.

Thanks again for everyone's help. I'll keep you updated!


May 12, 2014
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These engines are not that complicated and to me there a joy to work on. Please let us know what you find. Good luck


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Jun 23, 2011
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I ruined a fluidmaster balancer because I was not paying attention. Nice costly screw up.

Thats precisely why I didnt run anything like that. They are pretty spendy and I was getting hurried to put my motor back in. So I bought a new one, oem style, and reinstalled. I have the correct tap so I gingerly sent it down the hole to make sure everything was kosher.

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