I haven't had a solution to this so I haven't said much. To the comment above, its seemed to be electrical or the two IPRs are in conflict. Ive heard of dual IPR kits with issues before.
did you swap the sensor?
There has been a lot of back and forth on this, so I'll try to summarize. I feel we are narrowing in on a problem, hopefully! So frustrating when you spend this kind of money and have the truck run like chit.
1). The truck has (1) IPR. I have replaced it with a new Ford replacement. Also replaced the IPR connector to be sure. Still has the issue
2). I have replaced the ICP sensor twice in 3000 miles along with the ICP connector to be sure. Used Ford parts. Still has the issue.
3). I have replaced the UVC harness and gasket with Ford parts. Still has the issue.
4). Replaced the cam sensor twice with Ford replacements and even threw in an old black one for giggles. Still has the issue.
5). Using g-head tunes. Had the issue. IPR duty cycle keeps spiking when the engine is over 2000 RPM while the ICP stays constant until DC gets above 80% and then the ICP slams to over 3500 psi. Truck also misses in the 1500 to 2200 RPM range. Swamps calls the miss "hitching". I've posted several videos. Throwing P1211 code every time the truck gets over around 2000 RPM for very long.
6). Swamps sent me a trial tune with some tweaks to try out. Still had the issue. No P1211 code from Swamps.
7). Truck coughs a little when cold on startup and has a mediocre miss. More pronounced miss at idle when the truck is warm. Sounds almost like a gas engine with bad points. Smooth and then just a quick misfire and then smooth. When engine has been run longer the 30 min, the idle almost has a subtle romp to it. Truck kind of did this on the previous motor when I first got the twins and the 350/200's. Maybe it's one of those two items causing my issues.
8). The miss/hitch only occurs after the truck warms up. Worst RPM for the problem is cruising steady at 1750 RPM on the freeway.
9). Just found out today that when I unhook the ICP sensor, the truck runs pretty good. Still has a little bit of a choppy idle, but on the Swamp's tune, there isn't any noticeable hitch/miss when driving. Truck has good power throughout the power band. Miss/hitch still occurs with the g-head tunes with the ICP sensor unhooked, but not as bad as when the ICP sensor is hooked up.
I think this summarizes things. I'm driving it now with the ICP sensor unhooked. Drives pretty decent. G-head says the ICP spike graph that I showed can't happen. Either the ICP signal is bad or the oil is aerated.
Only things left causing the issue that I think can be related are.
Oil type
Terminator Twins
The issue is more pronounced when the truck is warmed up. Seems like anything above an oil temp of 185 degrees.
golfer suggested I find a stock HPOP and try it and see if the HPOP is the problem. I guess I need to do that now since I don't have one to use currently.