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How would a S475/83 T4 1.10 and a S483/96 T6 1.32 work in a compound set up or are they to close in size?
From what I have read, with a primary that size you would want your atmosphere 90+
The forged mill s362 is an awesome turbo itself for a 300-400hp setup, with a large wastegate it would be awesome with a 80+mm in front of it
Use something like an S366, T4 for the second stage because they are cheap, readily available and reliable, then later you can always add something like a GT55.
A charger that makes 600+ as a single is a tweener for a compound setup. Has no real place. Too small for a first stage, too big for a second stage.
I disagree with the s366 being reliable.
It's simply a cheap turbo and that is that.
Barking the turbo is extremely harmful on the lifespan of any turbo, im guessing he's barked the shiz out of his thus prematurely wearing it out, and they're junk. I wastegated my s366 and it made ~550hp pretty reliably although that's about all it wanted