Some type of Systems engineering. My degree is in computer engineering but my experience covers most of the fields, from design/manufacturing of mechanical components and electrical circuit boards, to writing test software, and also some process improvement. Jack of all trades, master of not really any of them, but I have an eye for detail and very good hands on skills.
Anyway, not trying to use this to job source, but I have had plenty of thoughts about moving to montana to get away from the hustle and bustle of the money-hungry business type in New York state. Not trying to stereotype, but it kinda sucks when most people here are in a hurry to get rich and don't care about the joys of actually "living" life, not to mention all the new gun laws and restrictions being imposed. But until I can find a comfortable income source in MT, I guess ill keep raking it in around the northeast area of the US.
Hows the construction business going up there? I think I read several posts back thats what you are doing right now for a living