Big Bore
Active member
I have manual hubs and T case on my E99. In winter I tend to just leave the hubs locked and shift from 2H to 4H when needed since the road conditions and weather in CO mtns can go from sunny dry roads to a blizzard just by changing location a few miles. If I'm just driving around local its not a big deal but if Im going to Denver then thats a couple hour drive and mileage starts taking a hit. I kinda got spoiled by the Expedition and F150 that have auto everything and started thinking of what it would take to have auto hubs so I can keep my lazy butt in the warm truck and not have to pull over to unlock/lock. I know the Super Duty had an auto/manual hub option that apparently works well if maintained and can be locked manually for more serious off roading or vacuum failure, and I think everything else on the wheel is the same just minus the vacuum setup. It would be nice to have the hubs auto lock for onroad driving and I'm thinking that would just be a rocker switch instead of the factory dash dial since I'm keeping the manual T-case lever. It seems like adding the factory components shouldn't be too hard. I know there's a relay system with a timer of some sort but not sure if that's a stand alone or integrated into the harness and fuse/relay assembly and/or the PCM, and prob a pneumatic solenoid switch of some kind for the vacuum. I'm also wondering if it uses the existing vacuum pump. I'll be researching the parts and components more but thought I would throw this out there in case there's been other motivated lazy people like me who have done this.