New member
I don't use mine either and it still lights both wheels
Less weight to push up front... Those 4wd guys don't even know! I miss my 2wd 6.4....
I don't use mine either and it still lights both wheels
As the last couple of guys have said both tires spin anyways. I really don't think it will fail unless you are towing or hauling heavy loads and turn on pavement. It's not a pin lock type of rear. It's more like a drive cone. The more torque you put on it the tighter it gets.
Axle will snap before the locker will break
Also spinning = higher mph in the 1/4
Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
I get what the other members are advising. Yes in theory holding down the button for traction disables it.
I can tell you I hsve held it down and advance track disabled come on.
The burnout still goes to crap and the truck defuels at speed.
Abs is great but on a track truck its a luxury I can't afford.
I pull the sensor or fuse and life is fine.
Datalogs do not show the problem because I think it is a can bus message from abs requested .
Based on track results today I agree.
But I am not sure why.
Do you have anything more specific as far as the mechanics?
It's just wheel speed really, if the tires dead hook, you have to make up some momentum but if there is some wheel speed and then hook, you've got less momentum to make up. If you watch some NHRA stuff in slow motion, you'll see what I'm talking about.
I hate to say it but I think he's right. The only way I have been able to fully disable the traction control is to unplug a sensor or be in 4 low. I haven't tried the abs fuse but I can verify that unplugging a sensor will completely disable the traction control. I am in the process of building a kit that will be wired into an upfitter switch to disable TCC when needed. There is nothing worse than needing some wheel speed and having the computer limit you.
If advance trac really won't fully disengage, then how are we able to do dyno pulls?
I know on mine (a job2 '12), we had to hit the button and hold it to disable, then do the pulls and all the advance trac & abs warning lights would come on, but it pulled they dyno just fine.
How is that any different than doing a burnout?
For the most part both mine spin too.. I dont have the spe full lock kit so the fuggin trac control reactivates and kills the burnout. But yeah ive only seen a one wheel peel a time or two while playing in the snow.I know my truck with the locker engauged it wont let you get very sideways but it will let you do a full burnout, i havent really need the locker to make it spin both but still.