Pick a HP goal... Otherwise anyone is just pissing in the wind.
I asked above because the first thing you should ask someone who asks a generic question about a build is HP goal...
Thanks for the replies y'all. I do want to build an engine as backup. I've got a forged rod motor in my 22000 but I do plan on keeping it forever so my backup motor will have the beefed up bottom end.I just want to build what I have right now to eventually make 500+HP. Ryan you've got all the mods in your sig running an frx? What kinda numbers are you making with that?
To which he responded above...
500hp is more or less pretty easy...
T4 or T4i turbo of your choice (I am a really big fan of the 66mm H2e)
230/100 or 250/100 with good solid tunes (Performance Injection Systems)
If your going to do it with 230/100 I would look at a mid size HPOP system... (No Limit Honey Badger Jr)
and of course supporting mods... studs, springs and such...
To which I responded above...
I agree with you, southmike. I was curious about the 500 hp only remarks as well. The OP never said he was stopping at 500 hp. He said 500+ hp. Thug (aka Jason @ NLTD) had a sweet truck from what I heard. I never saw it in person, but watched the YouTube videos. Reliable and made huge power for what it had.
Yes, in the sentence earlier, I stated that the engine blew up due to PMR's. It was a PMR engine. I found out for sure when the rod came out of the pan. :redspotdance:
For a 500hp build, $1800-$2500 for rods is a complete waste... Not to mention if your going to bother with rods you just as well put a girtle in it... so there is another $800+-...