Build Thread: KC Turbos Stage 2 DIY for the TowBoss.


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May 18, 2012
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What I have been looking for in a turbocharger, and what the aftermarket vendors offer for my build are two very different things. About two years ago I started doing the research and seeking out a few experienced members on the ORG and other sites to build a one-of custom ‘charger with the explicit intentions of handling the air challenges of the higher altitudes while towing. Further I intended this turbo to be compatible with Fords stock programming and strategies, just to see if it could be done.

I wouldn’t be happy with just any Powermax turbo swap, unfortunately the whistle of the ’03 6.0Ls and the Powermax 10-blades isn’t what I am looking for here. So we’re keeping the 13 blades, both for early spooling, and my sanity.

It has become a standard in the 6.0L community that the 63.5x88mm – 64x92mm compressors are the largest one can really run with for stock injectors. I’ve matched that airflow to the largest 13 blade turbine shaft that I am aware of that will fit in the 6.0L single VGT’s. Depending on variables collected once this turbo is dialed in, I may attempt a second version with an even larger compressor wheel after an upgrade of injectors.


I selected a Garrett 6.0L Powermax turbo (GT3788VA) as the foundation for this build. It gave me a larger exhaust housing and vanes to assist in maximizing airflow over simply upgrading the compressor side only of my stock unit. When weighing the options and cost between the Powermax and upgrading the vanes of the stock unit for around, I felt the additional expense would pay off.

Next was the selection of the compressor and housing, and though the original plan has always been a Garrett GT4088 slapped into the front end, I ended up finding Charlie and KC Turbos after my search for an affordable GT4088 came up short. I went logically to their Stage 2 DIY Kit which includes 64x88mm 11-blade single plane compressor wheel, matched to a unique .72A/R race housing with drilled silencing ring.

The DIY kit from KC Turbos also included the 360* Thrust Bearing rebuild kit. At the same time I added the option of stainless steel Unison ring offered by KC Turbos to complement the build, and avoid future issues.

Here’s where the build may get some push back, and it went a different direction than most might expect. This turbo still has a 13-Blade exhaust turbine to aid in spooling this turbo up early in the RPM band. It turns out that Duramax crowd have been swapping Powermax exhaust turbines into their LLY 6.6L for a while, and the reverse is being applied here with a new OEM replacement turbine.

How the Powermax compares:

Stock: 57x82mm Cast wheel, 6 single plane blade.
Powermax: 63.5x88mm Cast wheel, 12 dual plane blades. Blade depth: 29.6mm/22.2mm
KC Turbos: 64x88mm Bilit wheel with tips extended out to about 92mm, 11 single plane blades. Blade depth: 36.5mm

Compressor Housing:
Stock: .58 A/R for a 57x88mm wheel. Stock Silencing shroud.
Powermax: .58 A/R for a 63.5x88mm wheel. Garrett Silencing Ring.
KC Turbos: .72 A/R for a 654.88mm wheel. Drilled Silencing Ring.

Stock: 64x72mm, 13 Blade.
Powermax: 66.8x72.5mm, 10 Blade, 0.76mm thick.
DMAX LLY: 66.5x72.5mm, 13 Blade, 0.88mm thick.

Unison Ring:
Stock: Steel
Powermax: Steel, 5.56mm thick
KC Turbos: Stainless Steel, 5.48mm thick





Thread Focus:

Though not meant as a technical step-by-step procedure on the modifications to turn a Powermax turbo as listed. I can provide the source that I used in referencing as I conducted the rebuild upon request.

Testing Plans:

The first start up will be under factory programming, we’re going to be looking to trip the overboost trouble code, observe fuel economy and throttle response along with EGT’s on the interstate, crusing around town, and towing.

Second batch of numbers will be with the addition of a mild FICM program only. This will be ment as the standard towing arrangement, as the FICM programmer plays big in the low RPM bands, getting the turbo spun up and the load moving.

Third, we’re going to load up the towing, followed by the racing files on my SCT as they are written now for the stock turbo charger. I will discuss what I see in relation to boost and power, and generally how these tunes work out for me. I know there are plenty of members who like the tunes they have now and don’t want to bother getting things changed and re-written.

Finally, I’ll work on getting my racing (which I use as the daily driving tune) along with a new towing file written for this specific set up and working with the tuner(s) to see just how much power this setup is going to build.


In Progress. . .


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May 18, 2012
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Today, my 6.0L lives again. . . as does my addition to modifications.

So, I took a standard circuit around town and logged my stock evaluation tune for the stock turbo before removing it permanently. First real time I've taken to dig deep into that engine, so it took me a number of hours to get everything out and everything back in without having to do it twice (though the exhaust v-band from the housing did require me to shut it down the first time). And I discovered that my stock hot-side CAC boots are cracked and needing replacement. I never noticed a loss of power, so I may have cracked them when I tore it down today.

Now, for what I did see this afternoon: This turbo is just what I've been looking for. Here's the huge shout out to Charlie from KC Turbos for recommending this combination. (Before proceeding there was an observed drop of around 25* at 65mph when first getting on the interstate, this turbo will run cooler when all is said and done. 65mph, 2200rpm, 10psi, 675-700*egt).

Power: Smoother power band, as observed by the wife and myself (she was a great sport and helped me with the installation today). Between the IC Boots and the VGT relearn, I'm anticipating more power. The VGT duty cycle leaned further to the shut position (say 5-7% over what I'm used to observing). Plenty of power awaiting the tuners with this one.

Lag: Equal to stock, perhaps a little quicker based on a greater draw of air by the compressor. If you hit it on a rolling takeoff (say already on the interstate), boost is built quicker than stock.

Sound: Here was second largest reason I didn't run a traditional Powermax and call it a day. Under 10psi, you find a deeper exhaust tone. Between 10-20psi its spooling is more aggressive. Over 20psi (I nailed to the floor just once to see) there is definitely something different in the tone produced. Deeper than Stock, and none of the deafening whistle of the 10-Blades.

The specific numbers I took down include MAF, RPM, BOOST, MPH, ENGINE LOAD, VGT DUTY, and EGT. However, the turbo is still in the window for its VGT relearn, and I have the boots to replace - so specific side-by-side to stock will be a little later than expected.


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May 18, 2012
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So, against my better judgement I went back out on the circuit tonight to get the better set of numbers. Unfortunately, this leaking boot has the better of me. I can still force 24psi out of it (momentarily, before I fear I'll tear it completely apart) and out of the stock program I think that is pretty good. EGTs are still around stock thresholds, so I'm confident with the boots replaced and full airflow available this will perform quite well.

I'll get the boots replaced (both of them on the hot-side) and we'll get back to testing. I installed a metal cold-side pipe and fresh boots while I have the turbo out originally. I'll have the FICM tuned numbers shortly thereafter, that goes on order tonight.

Towing results are still in the works. I'll trying to dig up something worth pulling in the 8-10Klbs neighborhood, and load another 2K in the bed.


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May 18, 2012
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Everything is running great with this turbo, until the limits of the stock tuning are reached. Pretty much what I expected. Now there is a minor mileage gain with my gearing running 60mph / 2000rpm, I've gained around .5mpg (14.5 up from 14.0) or aroudn 4%. I'm seeing an average of 25-50* drop in EGT when compared to stock, and a VGT duty cycle that is 3-7% more shut.

Numbers: Stock Programming, altitudes of 0-1200' above sea level.
Speed - Turbo - RPM -EGT - VGT% - Load - MAF - Boost
45mph - Stock - 1650 - 800 - 54% - 48 - 80 - 5
45mph - Mod - 1650 - 750 - 57% - 46 - 88 - 5

55mph - Stock - 1900 - 750 - 51% - 40 - 106 - 6
55mph - Mod - 1900 - 725 - 56% - 40 - 115 - 6

65mph - Stock - 2240 - 700 - 40% - 30 - 110 - 5
65mph - Mod - 2240 - 675 - 45% - 30 - 125 - 5

75mph - Stock - 2500 - 1000 - 48% - 20 - 110 - 4
75mph - Mod - 2500 - 950 - 46% - 18 - 125 - 4

There is a lot more potential for this turbo with the aftermarket programming, but I am confident that I can run this on the stock program if required.

Additionally, the engine braking feature, with this new turbo feels much stronger on the grades than it was stock. No real way for me to provide solid numbers on that though.


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May 18, 2012
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Got some good time behind the wheel this morning.

Updated Numbers:
65mph - Stock - 2240 - 700 - 40% - 30 - 110 - 5
65mph - Mod - 2240 - 675 - 45% - 30 - 125 - 5
65mph - FICM - 2252 - 675 - 45% - 30 - 128 - 5
65mph - X-Race - 2252 - 750 - 45% - 28 - 146 - 6 [This X-Race file was written for the stock turbo and FICM tune]

Observations (IDP X-Race paired with IDP Performance FICM tune, written for Stock Turbo/FICM): Smoother power band, I'm not feeling that jerk when the truck starts building boost over 3-4#. Hitting from 65mph to 80mph and there is significant power on tap almost immediately. As for smoke, virtually none, a haze under my X-Race when I initially spooled the turbo and clear from that point forward.

There is around 4 phases of whine (though it is deeper than any other Powerstroke turbo I've come across):
1) Under 3#: Nearly no whine, but the rumble of a large V-8 Gasser. Very noticeable during deceleration when Tow-Haul is engaged.
2) 3-5#: Noticeable low grunt whine as the turbo spools - louder over stock.
3) 5-12#: Similar to stock in this band, although a little lower in tone - and louder.
4) 13# and Above: You start to hear the higher-pitch Pmax caliber whine with a noticeable power difference.


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May 18, 2012
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WPE's White Rain is my new favorite tune. Still need a couple of days to get the most out of driving this, but its definitely taking advantage of the capabilities of this new turbo. Nate, if you follow this site man, you've got a satisfied customer here.

Here's some number's jotted down while I was out tonight, not the formal data logging I've done to date, but I wanted to share what I found.

Speed - Turbo - RPM -EGT - VGT% - Load - MAF - Boost
45mph - WPE - 1650 - 650 - ? - 38 - 115 - 4
55mph - WPE - 1900 - 675 - ? - 38 - 125 - 6
65mph - WPE - 2250 - 625 - ? - 28 - 150 - 6
75mph - WPE - 2500 - 750 - ? - 20 - 155 - 7

I will get some solid numbers under the standard circuit later this week, and I will work to get some videos posted up on how much different this turbo responds compared to some of the Powermax videos you can watch on youtube.

Some observations:
-Turbo Lag: Definately improved over stock, though purhaps that's just the first night of me driving it.

-Throttle Response: Very smooth. Improved over stock, more boost is built low and the shifts occur a little later in the RPM band. No stop-light effect like I have on my X-Race (though I haven't had the nerve to punch it just yet). City, you get going from the lights smoother, and temps remain lower.

-Boost and MAF#: Improved, I imediately noticed how much more air I'm moving. MAF#, Boost, throttle responce, and most importantly EGT's are all down. [Note: 75mph at 2500RPM I am noticing considerable EGT reduction over stock and race files of 100*]

-Smoke: Mind you tonight was not stoplight-to-stoplight, so I'll comment on this later.

-Sound: Lets just say, that the old girl has moved out of 'sleeper' status with the sound of this turbo.


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May 18, 2012
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New Numbers this evening with WPE White Rain:
(Note: just noticed that EBP was available for the Insight, numbers are being provided)

Speed - Tune - RPM - EGT - VGT% - Load - MAF - Boost - EBP
55mph - WPE - 1900 - 700 - 46.0% - 16% - 120.6 - 4# - 7#
65mph - WPE - 2100 - 700 - 46.6% - 20% - 138.9 - 5# - 9#
75mph - WPE - 2450 - 850 - 40.9% - 20% - 182.6 - 7# - 10#

Near WOT peak numbers (short run 5th gear, ~90% throttle):
2754rpm - 1100*egt - 46.7%vgt - 61%load - 461maf - 35# boost - 38# EBP

I have a video of most of this tonight. Audio still needs work, but I am going to work on getting something loaded on youtube to let y'all see what this can do.
Last edited:
Mar 27, 2012
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Gainesville Ga.
Might sound stupid, but with white rain, have you monitored icp any? I noticed when I loaded white rain on mine the idle was MUCH louder, and so was accelerating (talking injector noise here). It sounds much more like my 96 did, very loud. I also noticed icp comanded at idle was close to 1000, and stayed that aggresive in all situations when comparing to say the Looney wild tune. I have both tunes, but prefer the Looney wild just simply cause of the noise factor, otherwise power and shifts were much more aggressive with white rain. Just wanted to hear others opinions

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