Building my first 7.3l powerstroke


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2012
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Irrelevant?? I'm neither for, or against either motor. Each motor, has their own respective place, and knocking any of them is stupid.

i wasnt knocking the 7.3-i just cant stand people telling me it is as good or better than a new 6.7 :fustrate:


Active member
Aug 15, 2011
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6.7 is too new to know if it is reliable.
has anyone made some power with one yet?
CR is like 'OMG a dust particle', HEUI is like 'didnt notice'
We had 2 in the shop that needed engines. One at 30k that dropped a valve one and 70k that lost a wrist pin bushing but overall they are reliable and some guys have made pretty big power out of them! Heck confederate diesel did 1,030 hp last year...
Jul 11, 2014
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Shelbyville TN
I think alot of pun is thrown at the 6.7 due the failures with the 6.0, and the some of the short comings brought on by the 6.4, but the aftermarket has developed alot of solutions to a point now that both a fairly decent engines with the 6.4 making stupid power no doubt. You don't build a 7.3 knowing it will be cheap, it's the challenge of taking something that isn't so easily overcome with just a tune and a delete, but the reward of having something that is fairly reliable and proven yet "FUN" to drive, the most important part. The problems I see with all common rail systems are baically everything Cummins has went through since the P-pump engine, LIFT PUMP/SUPPLY pump failure. The only draw back I see especially working on Class 8 stuff everyday is the corners cut by the "bean counters" inside these corporations is where they cut corners. Where material needs to be in a block to make it sturdy they omit out or running an 18 gauge wire where 14 needs to be. It's all part of making the almighty dollar and still selling a competitive truck. The 6.7s have proven fairly reliabe even with the DEF systems if you have someone who is willing to educate themselves about the system and the truck.. Its the same battle on an Class 8 rig as it is in a pick up, the DPF issues come from 4 major things, poor fuel filter maintenance=failed/overfueling injectors that face plug dpfs, restricted air filters that cause high exhuast temps, boost leaks, and poor oil maintenance that leads to cylinders with excessive pressure and ash output. With a deleted and tuned 6.7 with todays advancements 500hp should be easily doable and very reliable for atleast 200,000 miles. The 7.3 diehard like myself won't give up but that doesn't mean a nice 6.7 wouldn't be nice to have deleted and tuned, I sure wouldn't mind having one thats for sure.

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