Cetane Rating

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Ty We have (had) 5 7.3 on the place at one time. Now we are down to 4 7.3L and one 6.0. Not a one of them responded the same save two of them. Not a one got the same MPG, Now at least two of them got the same MPG rang towing. Empty they were close but the single cab was a little better. On had 3.55 ZF6 300/200 injectors. and the other had 4.10 and the E4OD stock injectors.

But as far as fuel conditioner my pickup (the one in my sig)when it was all stock save a intake exhaust and tune ZF5 and 4.10 gears would do around 14.7 to 15.3 driving 70@2500 rpms. BUT if i ran powerservice in the gray bottle It would jump up to 17.2 to 17.8 With the same fuel driving the same roads. Now if I went on a trip it would depending on the fuel get 18.3 BUT most times was 17.5 to 17.8 MPG I did get right on 20 for one tank BUT i was driving about 55 mph. The other ones would not do as good other then the single cab. If i did not run powerservice diesel clean it would slowly drop off as i ran more fuel through it and after about 3 tanks it would be back down to the 15 range. Some additives would get me under 15 ALL the time.

I feel from what i have done and tested not all 7.3 respond the same. And they do not all see a benefit with fuel additives. And some get worse with fuel additives. Not sure what but that is what I have seen. I am in no way saying what you have seen is wrong. Just saying what I have seen and tested. But in all honesty A fuel additive WILL not help if you have GOOD fuel already. OR if your injection system is dirty then running a good cleaner through every 5000 miles will help. Or less depending on the fuel. And if the fuel is not good A cetane improvement will help. There are cases where the additive and cleaner will not do any good. Most fuels now days have a cleaner in already. So adding it could in fact HURT the injection system. And cause faster destruction. Some additives ARE not meant to be mixed and can cause greater problems then if you would have left it alone. That is why I say a good cleaner every 500 miles then if much in between just a good Cetane booster. I would also (like you did TY) go talk to the fuel station you use and see what is in the fuel BEFORE adding to mush stuff and ask them what they are using. You could blow your money for nothing. and hurt the injection system. With these new CR engines that could be a viable concern or SHOULD be.

Like stated before I will be testing things to see what i think and how they work for me. The testing will be real world testing for the Cetane and cleaners PLUS bench testing the cleaners. Bench testing cleaners can be way off to.. Some of the cleaners do not take as much per gallon then the other ones. So one is more concentrated then the other. So the more concentrated ones will have the advantage so the will got "thined" out to be the same concentration as the others to be a more honest and true test.

Like I said TY not calling you out. Just stating what I have seen. What you have seen is true for you. From what you have said you have higher quality fuel then we have. I wish we had better fuel up here! We should after all this is where they get the oil! LOL


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Dec 3, 2011
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one of the diesel mags ran a test that showed a mileage improvement in running 2 cycle oil with the fuel. don't remember what brand truck it was. I run ps in mine. mostly because it was the only one I could find. now there are others available. I have a 7.3 and a 6.4. seems to me I use to get a noticeable diff when running the stuff. even smelled it in the exhaust. not anymore. have run amsoil and standye. didn't make a noticeable diff to me. I can't get diesel here above 45.


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Jun 23, 2011
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@powerstrokecowboy-you just described poor fuel quality in waaaay too.many words. If DK is giving you 2mpg increases you are getting some very low cetane fuel.

I described how dk works and it was an observation Ive made. I dont have real old.records on it because DK was reformulated in 06 there about and is now a summer fuel additive. The white.bottle is the winter formula. Grey offers zero cold weather protection. NONE.

You run what you want but Ive got 13 years and 265k miles worth of fuel logs on just one truck that disputes DK helping anything when fuel quality is good in the first place. In fact, at a known high cetane station it makes it worse. The FS fuel guru is right, if you get good fuel additives are a waste.

I guess I just prefer to weed out the shti fuel stations since Ive discovered, in my locale, they are the ines charging the most. My best, proven, fuel source is cheaper than ANY other.

Im not attempting to understand your fuel supply in Montana but doping shttiy fuel to a decent.grade is expensive in my book.

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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Yes TY We have poor quality fuel. That is the reason I use additives. I have to! The gain i get more then offsets the price I put in to get the gain. On station we get fuel @ is 4.64 for #2 and 4.90 for #1.......... That is a hard pill to take. BUT if you go about 1 1/2 hours away we can get it for right at 3.95 I do not get that way much SO i have not had a need to test there fuel. As you said our fuel up here is not good. NOW there is two new stations up here BUT I would have to drive 40 miles to the one and 50 miles to the other. The closet one is a pilot station the other is a Loves truck stop. I would love to try there fuel but man that is just to far to run to by fuel. The closest two are Cenex. There fuel has gotten better though. I plan on Talking to Jim (the manager there) about there fuel again. They are now adding additives right to the tanks. So I feel like it is a waste to use anything there now. AND have not noticed a change when I do. But that is with winter blend now. I wish they would put on the pumps what is in the tank. Ty I wish there was a Shell station out here. Even there gas seems to be better.

Like stated before it come down to what is in the fuel and quality of fuel and what is in it to start with. All this should be took into consideration before adding additives.

I have enjoyed this conversation TY!! One thing it did though. It made me wish we had better fuel up here!


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Jun 23, 2011
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Yea. I just wish I would have figured it all out sooner. I used to live in and around Chicago so i got diesel wherever I could.

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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The closest fuel station is 13 miles away. the next would be 25 miles then the next would be 28 miles then 40 miles. These would be walk in pay at the counter stores. The closest card troll only would be 10 miles (most of the time they are out of order) then after that it would be 22 the 54. So you can get the picture from that. I am very limited to where i can get diesel. The 25 mile away one has 2 places that sell diesel. I might have to test between those two and see what one is better. not much choices around here.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Why dont you have a tank at your house? Hell people here have them.

Powerstroke Cowboy

Well-known member
May 20, 2011
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I have thought about it. Just Do not burn a lot right now. and if you have to much they make you build a EPA approved spill or catch basin for it. And post time when i need fuel i am 50 or more miles from home already. So not much need yet. BUT would be handy!

I like the idea TY. With a big tank you can get it @ bulk rate to. Makes it even cheaper.

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