I gotcha now. Skip the trans all together for now. Call Mike or one of the other fine vendors for tunes, delete pipe/exhaust, EGR delete/block offs, No Limit stage 2 intake (or keep your stock set up and save that S&B $ toward a tranny), maybe No Limit intercooler, and whatever cosmetic goodies you choose. When set up and running...drive the S4!+ outta it and save money until you actually need a tranny. Then call Morgan.
I've deleted and blocked off with tunes from Mike...truck runs amazing. 9.5 mpg on the tow tune from College Station to Midland running 70-80 with a 28' 14,000lb RV. 17.6 on the way back running 80-holyKr4pI'mafraidtheneedle'sbeenburiedtoolongand8000Lbssholdn'tgoover100withoutwings on the race tune. When the tranny starts acting up, I'll stop driving like a moron and give Morgan a buzz. Until then there's a stage 2, inter cooler, and a mild lift on my wish list.