Might pass this on to one of our work vendors. Might take a load off them and maybe not have to do service as often with a better product.
Ultimately the goal is better protection with better life expectancy of the asset. Oci might stay the same could extend but less downtime for maintenance/rebuilds down the road.
Case in point i was in charge of maintaining the log trucks and machinery when i worked. Yes we did end up stretching out the oci on most everything i put LE oil in but that wasn't necessarily the goal. By basically eliminating wear in a motor and staying on top of oil sampling to tell what was going on inside the motor, what do you think will happen with a c15 cat motor for longevity? Instead of rebuilding them at 25k hours they will go on way longer down the road. Yes we did double the oci on the log trucks but again, the goal is to make each asset last longer for the company.
They used to use rotella(and still do at other parts of the company,eww) with a 200hr oci and the lease trucks with 14L Detroits where required to run mobil delvac(ewww) with 300hr oci. After about 2 oci with LE oil, the cat c15s went to 400hr services and the 14L Detroits went to 500hr services because the le oil samples looked better to what they used previously with 200 and 300hr oci. I believe the 14L's could have gone to 600hrs but we already cut the costs in half saving money and protecting the asset.. ending up with Less downtime for maintenance, labor, and longevity of the asset.
So the ultimate goal is to make each asset live a longer working life. Then comes the possibility of extending oci and less maintenance and down time.
live life full throttle