So my father in law bought a 2003 F450. Truck has problems and was throwing contribution codes for #3 and #5. Needed the turbo rebuilt. And needed a new ficm. He bought the truck and I promptly proceeded to throw 4 new injectors in #1,3,5,7 and a new ficm from Bulletproof Diesel. Rebuilt the turbo with a garret rebuild kit and threw it all back together. Cleared the codes and went for a drive. Ran good but had a slight spitting at high rpm when really in it. Never threw a code.I figured it was air in the oil still as I only put about 10 miles on it. Truck now has 200 miles or so since work has been done and is now throwing contribution codes for #1 and #7 which I just replaced. No other codes present. Still runs exactly as it did with a slight spitting/miss at high rpm. HPOP pressure is good. I pulled the injector harness out and see nothing visibly wrong with it. Any clue as to what may be the problem? Things to check? I may just replace the harness to rule it out but am unsure yet. Any help would be great!