On Da Juice
Dan, This is exactly why I am running Morgans custom setup of two factory LPFPs. We did as much research as possible and came to the conclusion that there is not a FASS or AIRDOG in existence that can flow the numbers of the stock ford pump, especially not while maintaining the reliability. From our knowledge, the pump flows around 75 psi under WOT and drops down to 55-65 under idle. (Morgan come check me on this). Steve 110 is insanely high! I dont remember hearing about that. If you look at my build thread you will see my two factory pumps. They will both run up to the h&s kit where they will equalize within that filter and then feed the cp3 and the cp4. Our only concern (which is very small) is that the cp3 is getting a little too much pressure, but we will find out. H&S doesnt have a problem so we feel that it will work out nicely. Its simple, dual factory pumps put out more reliability, more volume, and more psi than an aftermarket pump.
Oh and I have the flu, so disregard anything in that paragraph that does not make sense... Im all HOPPED UP ON MOUNTAIN DEW! (nyquil).....
Regulated to 120 homie. That doesn't mean thats "working psi" though. Nathanniel says 65-75psi on the LP system like you seee. Thats why I said "i would be curious to know what workable supply pressure is" in my post