That was my thought as well. I was more looking at price and availability. You can get Gen3 as they are a lower cost. Stealth Stage II are getting rare. BTS if you are going used can take 6 months sometimes. Terms from Joey is also an option given they are using the dual remote IPRs now and he would config anyway I wanted but with those its the same as a new BTS setup ....cost. I could be off on the prices but I thought I was looking at over $2K Hence if I can find a used in the 1500-1000 range that is about what I can put towards it right now. I do like the way the Gen3 and BTS hang the other pump as opposed to them being inline all off the two bolts on the front cover but I could deal with that.
TyCorr I thought you leaned toward the Gen 3. Is shearing not much of a concern for you. BTW saw the shot of your SD 7.3 I like the way you had it setup with the 37s etc. Had a very nice stance. Cool to see you using it also 99% as a hauler as well.
Its on 35s/20s now...the old 16 inch wheels were getting crappy behind the mating surface. One was missing a chunk and its not worth it when its on the road. Ill either get a fifth wheel and swap the cracked one out or just get a new set of 16s to keep the 37s useable. I wanted to have them as an option. But 20s are nice functionally. The snow just falls out.
My truck is retired now Tarm. I had sooo much trouble with my truck tanking icp and dying that it was completely un-effin-reliable. I parked it. I changed sensors multiple times and injectors....etc etc...all that was left was the hpop. Waited until it acted up again...swapped the pump hot and it fired right up. Anyway, enough about that.
If I can find something to oil these 250/200s ill keep them. Otherwise Ill have to get an adrenaline and some 175/80s or 238/80s. The stealth was interesting the first 1500 miles the icp ramp up was absolutely nuts. It would wing out 3600icp in a blink. I never, EVER said that pump sucked when it worked. It was nothing short of breathtaking but I could only wring 4800 painful assed miles out of it with the last 2400 being painful and expensive. Buying sensors and extra ones thinking there was a gremlin messing with things.
I am NOT worried about oil shear Tarm. I gave up on fancy oils. I throw chevron delo 15w40 in it and if it starts exhibiting oil shear issues, ill change it next chance I get. No biggie. Mobil 1 filter (luberfiner) and chevron oil. Done about 50$...
Id prefer the gen 3 tarm as tim(vref) made me more fully aware of the achilles heel of the twin termies which is the two tiny bolts holding it into an aluminum cover. That gives me an uneasy feeling. Imagine driving an old logging/fire/pasture dirt road! The bouncing that takes place. No thanks.
I did try to buy a used gen 3 from a guy here that had two. He was asking 1400. I told him that was a little high for a third owner pump. He claimed it only had about 5k miles on it but had zero records to corroborate the claim. Then I found out there were missing parts that were "cheap". Swamps had them listed for 250$. That puts me over the cost of a new one :shrug: I countered at 800. He balked and told me he had another guy that bought it but "was waiting to see what I did". I was kinda glad I "missed" the sale in hindsight.
The stg2 that is in the classifieds is way too high on price. It was 1800 plus core. Then it went down. I dont care to flop out 1500 + a good stocker ,which Id have to go buy a suitable one somewhere for Im guessing 300 used, and you still have a used pump and other expenses. They are nice and it was the first part that gave me an itch. I love the way the billet stg2 and 3 look. Wow.
Vref has one and its really great according to him and Its kinda how I imagined they would be.
So right now Id take a gen 3 or a stg 2 stealth at 12-1400 with no core. A gen 3 can be had for what USED stealths are commanding and I think a gen 3 will move more oil.