diy dual hpops


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May 19, 2011
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Ok I misunderstood what it was then. I thought the second pump was a billet version guezs it was the riser that was and I got it confused. So its a rev stock hpop. So it should sheer the same as typical dual hpops that are end to end inline. So the gen 3 likely sheers the most cause of the haldex pump then?

I was able with my old stealth duals to get 5k between oil changes and according to UOA gone a good bit longer. If the sheering is not so bad as to still allow me 5k OCI before it starts effecting inj perf and lub that would work. Still have BTS at the top of my wish list.

If somone haz a bts they are wanting/willingbto get ri dof for a reasonable price........ I just missed the one that went for $1400 in the classifieds. That was a good deal I wish I had seen 20mins sooner.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Ok I misunderstood what it was then. I thought the second pump was a billet version guezs it was the riser that was and I got it confused. So its a rev stock hpop. So it should sheer the same as typical dual hpops that are end to end inline. So the gen 3 likely sheers the most cause of the haldex pump then?

I was able with my old stealth duals to get 5k between oil changes and according to UOA gone a good bit longer. If the sheering is not so bad as to still allow me 5k OCI before it starts effecting inj perf and lub that would work. Still have BTS at the top of my wish list.

If somone haz a bts they are wanting/willingbto get ri dof for a reasonable price........ I just missed the one that went for $1400 in the classifieds. That was a good deal I wish I had seen 20mins sooner.

Two stock hpops beat the oil up less than a stock hpop and a haldex pump together. You could run two 15° pumps with just about ANYTHING and not have oil issues.


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May 19, 2011
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That was my thought as well. I was more looking at price and availability. You can get Gen3 as they are a lower cost. Stealth Stage II are getting rare. BTS if you are going used can take 6 months sometimes. Terms from Joey is also an option given they are using the dual remote IPRs now and he would config anyway I wanted but with those its the same as a new BTS setup ....cost. I could be off on the prices but I thought I was looking at over $2K Hence if I can find a used in the 1500-1000 range that is about what I can put towards it right now. I do like the way the Gen3 and BTS hang the other pump as opposed to them being inline all off the two bolts on the front cover but I could deal with that.

TyCorr I thought you leaned toward the Gen 3. Is shearing not much of a concern for you. BTW saw the shot of your SD 7.3 I like the way you had it setup with the 37s etc. Had a very nice stance. Cool to see you using it also 99% as a hauler as well.


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Jun 23, 2011
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That was my thought as well. I was more looking at price and availability. You can get Gen3 as they are a lower cost. Stealth Stage II are getting rare. BTS if you are going used can take 6 months sometimes. Terms from Joey is also an option given they are using the dual remote IPRs now and he would config anyway I wanted but with those its the same as a new BTS setup ....cost. I could be off on the prices but I thought I was looking at over $2K Hence if I can find a used in the 1500-1000 range that is about what I can put towards it right now. I do like the way the Gen3 and BTS hang the other pump as opposed to them being inline all off the two bolts on the front cover but I could deal with that.

TyCorr I thought you leaned toward the Gen 3. Is shearing not much of a concern for you. BTW saw the shot of your SD 7.3 I like the way you had it setup with the 37s etc. Had a very nice stance. Cool to see you using it also 99% as a hauler as well.

Its on 35s/20s now...the old 16 inch wheels were getting crappy behind the mating surface. One was missing a chunk and its not worth it when its on the road. Ill either get a fifth wheel and swap the cracked one out or just get a new set of 16s to keep the 37s useable. I wanted to have them as an option. But 20s are nice functionally. The snow just falls out.

My truck is retired now Tarm. I had sooo much trouble with my truck tanking icp and dying that it was completely un-effin-reliable. I parked it. I changed sensors multiple times and injectors....etc etc...all that was left was the hpop. Waited until it acted up again...swapped the pump hot and it fired right up. Anyway, enough about that.

If I can find something to oil these 250/200s ill keep them. Otherwise Ill have to get an adrenaline and some 175/80s or 238/80s. The stealth was interesting the first 1500 miles the icp ramp up was absolutely nuts. It would wing out 3600icp in a blink. I never, EVER said that pump sucked when it worked. It was nothing short of breathtaking but I could only wring 4800 painful assed miles out of it with the last 2400 being painful and expensive. Buying sensors and extra ones thinking there was a gremlin messing with things.

I am NOT worried about oil shear Tarm. I gave up on fancy oils. I throw chevron delo 15w40 in it and if it starts exhibiting oil shear issues, ill change it next chance I get. No biggie. Mobil 1 filter (luberfiner) and chevron oil. Done about 50$...

Id prefer the gen 3 tarm as tim(vref) made me more fully aware of the achilles heel of the twin termies which is the two tiny bolts holding it into an aluminum cover. That gives me an uneasy feeling. Imagine driving an old logging/fire/pasture dirt road! The bouncing that takes place. No thanks.

I did try to buy a used gen 3 from a guy here that had two. He was asking 1400. I told him that was a little high for a third owner pump. He claimed it only had about 5k miles on it but had zero records to corroborate the claim. Then I found out there were missing parts that were "cheap". Swamps had them listed for 250$. That puts me over the cost of a new one :shrug: I countered at 800. He balked and told me he had another guy that bought it but "was waiting to see what I did". I was kinda glad I "missed" the sale in hindsight.

The stg2 that is in the classifieds is way too high on price. It was 1800 plus core. Then it went down. I dont care to flop out 1500 + a good stocker ,which Id have to go buy a suitable one somewhere for Im guessing 300 used, and you still have a used pump and other expenses. They are nice and it was the first part that gave me an itch. I love the way the billet stg2 and 3 look. Wow.

Vref has one and its really great according to him and Its kinda how I imagined they would be.

So right now Id take a gen 3 or a stg 2 stealth at 12-1400 with no core. A gen 3 can be had for what USED stealths are commanding and I think a gen 3 will move more oil.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Oh and as it sits with 20x12 and 35x12.5 atzs...


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May 19, 2011
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Yep that has a different look than on the 37s. I have 20s with 40s ready to go on sitting in the shop. I prefer the 20s but as I at most will be doing very light towing the 40s with 4.56 is not going to be an issue compared to what guys with real trucks do. My feelings are the same as you. I really did not like the 2 long skinny bolts holding 30lb of HPOP 2' long. I know plenty of guys have run them for years without issue but tons had to deal with inserts to fix the stripped alum threading. My X goes on national forest roads and old loggin roads etc for SAR work and the bouncing etc so I have the same issues of concern that a street rig would not.

I get shaeffers at one of the best prices so it costs about what the lower group III syns run and it works well for me. If it cost what say people pay for Mobil 1 diesel in the stores that might make me re-think it. I run donaldson and luberfiner only for my filters other than the insert for the Dhal.

I have the same issue when it comes to stock HPOP as all I have is the SP1 but unlike you mine still runs great according to AE IPR ICP numbers. But it sort of like a stock bottom end making 600 HP and going full throttle runs. Everytime you do it you wonder is it going to hold. I can control how hard I push my foot down or the tune I am in but the HPOP I do not like the iffy feeling I get now looking at how many failed. You look at the ones using the haldex or the dual stockers and basically they run for the duty life of a basic single stocker HPOP and tend to go out slowly not implode.

Thus I figure BTS or Gen 3 is where I am at. BTS would be great as I need to add nothing. Gen 3 I will need to do the dual remote IPR /oil return to pan and feed to the res but thats doable as long as I get a good price.

I have not had to block off the stock IPR as the Stealths were already done. Is it just plugging the IPR port with a bolt? I do not recall how the Stealth was. As the Gen 3 sends all the return oil thru the stock HPOP IPR location I have to block that and then have the dual remotes that get attached directly between the hpop rail of each head?

Also of course have to find someone willing to make me a dual IPR manifold or sell me one they already have. I am hoping for some help in that area.

I think the only thing on my wish list that is not in the Gen 3 would be have 4 feed ports going out to the hpop rails. I know V-Ref found a noticeable difference in idle quality etc between the 2 and 4 port feeds with the Stealths. I certainly want the smoothest idle I can get. My days of romping idle are cool ended with my 66' stang 351 stroked to a 408 with a large cam. I do not want my coffee spilling sitting at a light from a rompy idle. LOL
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Jun 23, 2011
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My srp1.1 idled that bad below 10 deg all winter. It was baaad.

I hate poor idle quality. Sound and feel. I dont care so much if it hazes or occasionally a little soot goes wafting.

I am at the same point as you with hpops. I do like the sound of the bts duals but Ive never seen them. I really was slobbering over a set of termies but then the whole mounting of them concern hit me.

They would be ideal for me though. Two 15s and a set of 250/200s would be great.


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May 19, 2011
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Yes that would all around be a good setup. With 15s you have super reliability and with x2 you have all the oil you could ever need for 200% nozzles.

I guess I could go just about any way at this point but like you the horizontal setup of inline hpops is what worries me. I wonder if there could not be a brace made for the back side to support it. Anyways doubtful it would ever happen. I guess I am at BTS or Gen 3 at this point but all three I guess if I could get a good price. I do like having the valley not completely filled up though which is another reason I like those two.


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Mar 9, 2012
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Also of course have to find someone willing to make me a dual IPR manifold or sell me one they already have. I am hoping for some help in that area.

You do the legwork of figuring out what threads you need the holes tapped to, and a rough idea of port configuration and I will machine it up for you.


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May 19, 2011
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You my friend are awesome. You just let me know what the costs are on your end of things and I will gladly cover it. That maybe my last piece of the puzzle. I think as others have made them I can get all that info and the actual way to set it up. HTR has certainly made a number of them as has another. I can not recall the screen name but it was only a couple weeks ago I was reading another post about it.


The more I think about my idling issues and talking the more I am getting leery of my Stealth. I wish I wasn't but its now their stuck in my head. I would rather be wrong and save chewing up my highly modified injectors poppets than chance it at this point.


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Mar 9, 2012
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May 19, 2011
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I will do that. Looks like the picture by HTR is a good setup.


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Mar 9, 2012
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Let me know what you find out.
I'll see if I have a spare IPR laying around somewhere that I can take preliminary measurements off of.


May 17, 2013
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Western PA
Maybe I should keep my mouth shut right now but FWIW my honey badger jr "SEEMS" to be holding pressure with a set of swamps 400/200 with matts tuning. I have not data logged to see what pressure and duty cycle it's at but I don't get a code and by seat of the pants it doesn't fall off up top.


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May 21, 2011
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9 miles high @ 550 mph
The more I think about my idling issues and talking the more I am getting leery of my Stealth. I wish I wasn't but its now their stuck in my head. I would rather be wrong and save chewing up my highly modified injectors poppets than chance it at this point.

After a phone call with are some SRP1 and SPR 1.1 facts right from the horses mouth

-2200 pumps manufactured and distributed

-200-300 pumps returned

-42 pumps repaired (this includes simple repairs such as a fitting o-ring)

6 months no cost warranty

Post 6 month purchase, for a lifetime to the original owner of the pump, the pump will be replaced/repaired for a fee not to exceed 50% of the original purchase price

It be a shame to have history tell the story that you went on a public smear campaign because you're hpop "failed" and you ran around your truck spending time and money trying to get it running right, and didn't even utilize the product warranty. We all can appreciate the frustration of a truck not running right, and chasing your tail because expensive parts fail...most have done it one time or another.

But your "facts" collected from internet misleading at best. Your disposition is beyond unprofessional or productive, and doesn't solve anything. It's posting like yours about your experience with your SRP1.x why internet forums have such a bad reputation for misinformation.

In the interest of full disclosure...Gary told me there is an issue using core pumps...that all builders will encounter associated with a friction drive gear pump like our HPOPs. The factory fits the gear to the the pump shafts have a wide range of allowable tolerances. As cores come in, are rebuilt and then sent out, and then a pump with a shaft diameter on the smaller end of the spectrum is installed on a truck with a gear with a diameter on the larger end of the tolerance spec....and you have gear slip. It might not manifest itself until you get a few heat cycles on the pump/gear. It'll act like a DOA pump. So he's tightend up his process to ensure that won't be an issue. But keep in mind...all the pump mfgs that use cores will have this issue to deal with.

Cores make for all kinds of similiar issues for a builder to deal with...and is a large part of the future offerings Stealth has in the pipeline for the 7.3, 6.0, and 6.4 markets. It's probably also a large influence for Dynoproven to build a billet housing HB it solves so many issues that builders deal with when building with cores.

I have no financial ties to Stealth...or any vendors on this forum. My only interest here is put some "facts" to some of the "opinions" being put out there about this pump.


How 7.3 history will record the of the biggest Public Relations nightmares to come along since DP Tuner and the famed 80E tune...I've come to conclude that the reality in the real world is quite different from one might take away from the forums. This is not to discount the experience of those that posted up their negative experiences with the pump...but the statistical can bet the good folks at Dynoproven are working hard and would be happy with a 2% failure rate....but will work harder at keeping customers 100% a disappointed customer takes to these forums much more prevalent than the satisfied ones do. The SRP1 had such market penetration...and word of mouth promotion via forums. ..that those 42 failed pumps doomed it without an active company presence on the forums. I wouldn't buy one now because the resale value has been hit so hard because of the PR nightmare...but I wouldn't pull a good working pump off the truck just because. ..I'd wait for a good deal on some BTS duals or a Gen 3. many vendors wish their products or services had that as a failure rate....just saying

You my friend are awesome. You just let me know what the costs are on your end of things and I will gladly cover it. That maybe my last piece of the puzzle. I think as others have made them I can get all that info and the actual way to set it up. HTR has certainly made a number of them as has another. I can not recall the screen name but it was only a couple weeks ago I was reading another post about it.


The more I think about my idling issues and talking the more I am getting leery of my Stealth. I wish I wasn't but its now their stuck in my head. I would rather be wrong and save chewing up my highly modified injectors poppets than chance it at this point.
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May 21, 2011
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9 miles high @ 550 mph
And oil shear...on a billet Stage 2, or a Gen3, or a BTS dual setup....the solution is more injector PW :)

You can fix that with your right foot ;) But Tarm...I'm betting 95% of your driving is in "grandpa" territory. you're gonna shear oil no matter your HPOP. ...floor that Excursion!


Aug 19, 2013
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What's the Gen 3 discussed here?

I had a Stealth dual set up but sold it because it would start leaking every 6 months. There's a lot of weight hanging off of 12" of 8mm thread. It even pulled the threads out of the cover once. I even made a brace to support the 2nd pump, to no avail.

I wish he still made the Billet pumps, I'd buy a stage 2 in a heartbeat. When the pumps were working right( no leaks) my truck ran like a raped ape.

Blue Line Fab

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Feb 25, 2014
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Orkney, Ontario
What's the Gen 3 discussed here?

I had a Stealth dual set up but sold it because it would start leaking every 6 months. There's a lot of weight hanging off of 12" of 8mm thread. It even pulled the threads out of the cover once. I even made a brace to support the 2nd pump, to no avail.

I wish he still made the Billet pumps, I'd buy a stage 2 in a heartbeat. When the pumps were working right( no leaks) my truck ran like a raped ape.

That's why I'm liking the BTS set up. The pumps are stacked, there should be no sealing issues due over stressing the fasteners because of weight.


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Jun 23, 2011
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How 7.3 history will record the of the biggest Public Relations nightmares to come along since DP Tuner and the famed 80E tune...I've come to conclude that the reality in the real world is quite different from one might take away from the forums. This is not to discount the experience of those that posted up their negative experiences with the pump...but the statistical can bet the good folks at Dynoproven are working hard and would be happy with a 2% failure rate....but will work harder at keeping customers 100% a disappointed customer takes to these forums much more prevalent than the satisfied ones do. The SRP1 had such market penetration...and word of mouth promotion via forums. ..that those 42 failed pumps doomed it without an active company presence on the forums. I wouldn't buy one now because the resale value has been hit so hard because of the PR nightmare...but I wouldn't pull a good working pump off the truck just because. ..I'd wait for a good deal on some BTS duals or a Gen 3. many vendors wish their products or services had that as a failure rate....just saying

And you really think that failure rate is accurate? The guy with the red/tan ccsb 300/200s went through three or four of them, each lasting a few miles. He finally gave up and went to a gen3.

I understand you talk to Gary and thats what he says but he also told me my pump wasnt junk without actually looking at it. At first. I suspect the numbers are a little skewed.

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