So my truck is an 2004 4door 4x4, the truck just turned 90k and i think it might be time to switch out the factory ranchos. My only question is should i spend the money and buy a nice set shocks, or will any set do the job? On a leaf spring truck do shocks make a big enough difference to spend the money? Or am i gonna have about the same ride no matter wat i get?
I've had stock, Procomps, Rough Country, Bilsteins, Fox 2.0 and Rancho 9000's adjustables. As much as I hate to say it the adjustables are hands down the best ride I've gotten. IIRC I have my fronts set on 5 and the rears on 2.
Lifted, leveled, stock the best ride was w/ the Rancho adjustables. They are a PIA to adjust but worth it. I've had several people in the truck comment that it rides surprisingly smooth.
If you wanna spend extra, get the Fox adjustables. At least you can rebuild the Fox when needed.