Im assuming noone is understanding im saying IF you could make the same power with the SAME duration on both the 100 or the 200. Of course the 200 will always be capable of more hp than a 100. But what IF a 100 could make 600 w/ xx ms. And what IF 600 is all someone wanted. I capitalized the IF for a reason. Right now we all know a 100 cant make 600 on fuel only without a retarded amount of timing and duration, but what IF it could.
I think Bean understands what im getting at. A common rail motor can make quite a bit more hp than a heui motor by combining short pw and higher pressures to get the same volume of fuel than a lower pressure and a larger nozzle. Dmaxes only run mid 2s for pw, and they make plenty of power on nozzles a lot smaller than a 7.3. Even a 6.0 with 190/100s can surpass 525-550 running 2.5ish ms and a mid 60s mm compressor. A 7.3 would be in the mid to high 400s best case scenario.
The point im trying to make is it just ISNT injection pressure, and it isnt JUST the cam, or head flow, or anything. The whole combination makes for us not being able to burn a great percerntage of the fuel injected into the motor. This is why nitrous helps so much. For now we have to run 200 percent or larger nozzles to make big power, but itd be awesome if we didnt. Sure a 200 percent nozzle is very driveable with correct tuning, but there are a few tradeoffs (yes small).
Let me try again...
IF.... you get enough pressure to a 100 to make it flow equal to a 200.... you just lodged the tip of that nozzle into your aluminum piston bowl...
And yes.... pressure is the only option you have to make a 100 flow equal to a 200 when you already stated in the SAME duration. Here's a hint.... flow is a two-part equation in this case. The components are orifice area and fluid pressure. If you already state the orifice areas and the duration then the only variable left is pressure. And a 100 is just never going to flow like a 200 with any amount of pressure that doesn't blow the tip clean off. Plus, you could never operate the injector at such pressures anyway.
You just can't do it with pressure alone. You might surprise youself to pin out some 600+ fuel only injector nozzles on some CR trucks. They are smaller in comparison, but not tiny. As that power comes up they get right back in the game.
And 12v nozzles make our sh*t look mickey-mouse.
And cams, heads and all the rest...... yada,yada,yada...
It's injection rate. Always has been, always will be. The mech engines out there state this profoundly.