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Mods in sig and I dont beat on the truck. Is this ok if I decide to do this?
Ok good info. I was considering the 75mm and a WG already. Would this be ideal for it? What HP level would I be looking at.
A 75 with 100s should be easily north of 900
Yes I want to keep stock nozzles. So stock nozzles, dual fuelers, a 75 and built trans.
Based on his sig he already has a 59hp and a 71lp and looks like he wants to upgrade to a 75mm lp from the looks of it, but that's why i asked, because it would make a big difference
Yes. I want to upgrade. So from what Im gathering, dual fuelers on stock nozzles is not worth the money unless I upgrade. So if I upgrade when and if this happens, would I be ok with 30%? I want something the truck can benefit from, be reliable, still tow and make great power. The situation that I'm in now, I might be needing a new HPFP and if thats the case, that gives me an excuse to upgrade while the cab is up again. I suppose a ported intake at this point would be a good idea too.
I think 30's would be an awesome match with those turbos,if i had 75/59 and wanted what you stated id do 30's. and adding a ported intake would be another good addition