The first time it happened to me I was spinning on ice and it scared the s*** out of me.
Try Flashing back to the Regular V7 Files and see if it does it. I tried the 7.2 File for a day and flashed it back to the I** as I didn't care for the shifting.Happened to me again today when I hammered it at 30 today the roads were wet and it shut off at about 60. Running pip 7.2 tunes . It about got me ran over they need to fix this problem
Funny I reved mine to 4,000 Rpms and it never shut off on me. I'm KEM tuned, but am wondering if Yall spun it faster?
this happened to me on a downshift today. not happy in the least. 7.2 fixed the cell, but the shifting is not good.
i would like the 7.2 cel fix in the hot street tune. best of all worlds.
Mine shifts pretty well, but I've noticed if I drive it for more than an hour it'll get a little sloppier