Seems alot like the misinformation nation all over again....
I have ACTUALLY been running Farmers injectors for 3 years now..
Start when cold,(this morning was 28*, Idle perfectly, and have had 0 issues with them (Installed in 2 different trucks now)
about 15-20k on them, and warrantys his work for life..... hmmmm
Miss information? You mean a lack of info...
99.9% of the injector builders out there right now will straight up tell you what is in your injectors...
not that there some super special magic unobtainium plungers that no tuner can tune via emails, got to be live tuned bla bla bla...
And I am sure (and know for fact) that when there are issues with his injectors that it is always kept on the down low with his nut swingers, similar to anything that comes from Joeys camp...
Why you guys act like your above it all, simply because you hide it all I will never understand.
Now maybe you have been lucky or everything has gone great, but I know there have been issues (which is fine, and expected, but dont act like there are none) and I know how he started...
I honestly would have tried his stuff on this last go around, but I was not going to pay $1800 to have my injectors freshened up from someone I don't trust.