We've received excellent feedback from the hundreds upon hundreds of customers that are running our FICM with the PHP tune...
(without going directly to Bill @ PHP for a more indepth explanation)...
The PHP flash is not simply a rollback to a more desirable OEM/Ford FICM strategy.
(to the best of my knowledge) Bill has evaluated the attributes of all the previous Ford FICM strategies, and has melded the best parts of the various software releases together into one, unified calibration that gives the best overall performance.
Performance is quite subjective...but this flash has better cold starting, better fuel economy, as well as better power, than any single calibration that Ford has released.
We work pretty closely with Bill @ PHP, as well as Eric @ Innovative...though current hardware & software limitations preclude us from having the ability to flash the Innovative tunes in house...we have sent quite a number of FICMs to IDP to be flashed (upon customer request) and direct shipped.
I won't speak FOR anyone...however, I believe my description to be quite accurate.
one thing to keep in mind with the HEUI injection system...
these are UNIT injectors...so the maximum horsepower is really, ultimately dictated by injector size..
i.e. NO ONE can "tune" more fuel than exists in the (bore x stroke) displacement of the injector...
If a truck has alllll of the custom (ECM) tuning in the universe on their truck...and has tapped every last (peak) hp through ECM tuning...then that is allll there is to be made (in terms of PEAK hp).
The FICM 'tuning' can & will make the truck perform differently...probably/possibly even better in some driving scenarios..but these increases in "power" related to the FICM will not show up at the peak of a dyno curve...rather, the gains will be seen on the leading and trailing ends of the curve.
and of course..there would be exceptions to this if the truck being tuned HAD a "bad" ficm..and then swapped on a good &/or modded &/or flashed FICM...
hell..we've had customers report 6mpg INCREASE with our 58v std flashed FICM, as well as over 1 second quicker 0-60mph times....but these types of gains are 90+% attributed to a truck that was getting 4-5 FEWER mpg than it should have been...(like running around on a 30-something volt FICM for 6 months)...so we're not out there claiming 6mpg increases on every truck.
The moral of the story is...any TUNING is going to be ultimately limited by the performance of the hardware..be that the FICM being 'bad' with low voltage...or the fuel injectors, or the turbo, etc...
These tuners could sell "1000hp" tunes to everyone in the world...but only those WITH the injectors...AND the turbo...AND the fuel system, etc, etc...would even approach those numbers...
take care~