How did you paint your grill bars? Painted the chrome?
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body shop etched then painted
Sweet ass truck. Dig the attemtion to detail
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
thank you
How did you paint your grill bars? Painted the chrome?
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Sweet ass truck. Dig the attemtion to detail
Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
body shop etched then painted
thank you
same local guy
I took everything off and apart
he did the rest
Was thinking mine was 8ft. I will measure. Yours higher than 8ft?I’m not sure what standard height is considered these days.
They are all sizes around here on new homes.
My new place has a 3 car garage with the center door being a 9ft high by 12 ft wide door.
I can’t remember sorry
But if you call specialty forged and ask them, I’m sure they’d know off hand.
The wheels are 22x12 c702 for reference.
Why are the FX4 stickers still on?
Finally got these things put in.
They blend with the rest of the truck so much better not being chrome.
Probably going to install the Titan 55 gallon fuel tank on Saturday
In this picture you can see how bad the stock ones stuck out