The fuse only blows when you start driving.I just got done messing with it heres a few things Ive noticed not sure if any of this matters but I have the hose on the back of the fuel bowl but when I open the drain valve the fuel shoots out very hard if thats normal idk.Also the element in thr bottom of the fuel bowl was bent up I couldnt get it to lay flat so I snipped it off right before the black wire?That it connects to.Now it will not start@all Idk if its related to that or not.I only visually inspected the wiring Im going to try to get a volt reader.Unfortuantley Im FAR from town so Im pretty much left to fixing this.myself
Holding pressure when off? If so, that is not normal... When you did the tank mods, did the return get set up correctly? Is there pressure in the tank when you pull the filler cap? Im not totally familiar with a stock SD 7.3 fuel bowl setup, but sounds like the pump is deadheading or pressure backing up in return.
Heater delete is fine but unplugged is all thats necessary.