^^this for sure^^. and i would like to recommend to add a sump. no more 1/4 tank issues, no more pick up foot failing issues(@190k urs is probably sitting in the btm. of the tank). if you are going into the tank, just do it one time. in the words of the show time rotisserie, set it aaaaannnnnddddd forget it.
i installed this s.d. pre-pump kit & a beans diesel sump this time last year and have had zero issues since. i chose the beans for its simple design. great piece. i believe you will need a 1/2" npt x #6 push-lok fitting for the sump to work with the strickly p.p. kit, unless they have changed things. mine came with an 8AN or a #8 push lok fitting. i can't remember right off hand.
if you disconnect the o.e.m. feed line from the o.e.m. pump, you will need to find a way to cap or plug that old line. because upon fill up of a whole tank, it will run out all over the ground. ask me how i know.