fuel system questions


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May 19, 2011
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Tarm I've read your fuel system write-up and thoroughly enjoyed it! From what I understood, its a series style system, similar to what Dodges use (?).
Stock replacements 35-45 gph (per local dealers catalog)
Walhbro 55 gph, roughly 5% more
Fuellab/044 70-80 gph

Is there anything Im overlooking?

Correct. As I saw it one of the major stresses on any of our primary pumps is from the dual role it must play having to both pull vacuum and push positive pressures. You then are adding a water fuel separating filter that is creating that much more resistance. By removing half of that it goes a long way to increasing pump longevity. This setup is good as long as you have a high pressure pump setup that can supply the needed flow rate. But if I was going to run dual stock Bosh pumps I would still run them in parallel. BTW 2 pumps to reach a flow capacity compared to one is will always have more advantages. My issue was my fuel needs are right at the edge of what 2 SD pumps can hold and when I move up they will no longer hold the line. I was also trying to create from the ground up a system that would deal with all the various weakness of the 7.3 system.

So if you wanted to go with a great system for injectors up to 200% nozzles you could purchase 2 new Bosh Super duty pumps for $200 total ( thats for both). That would given you the fuel you need plus redundancy should a pump go out. I would make sure to wire both pumps into separate relays and wiring so you keep your isolated redundancy. I would go into the back inspection ports in the rear of the heads with -6an hose then come out the front standard ports to the regulator with -4an hose. From the reg back to the tank with -6an hose. You can add a trans cooler to cool the fuel in that return line should you so choose. ( I would) Do not use Ts or street 90 fittings. Use only Ys and long radius hose ends for needed turns where every possible. I prefer Donaldson filters over all others other than the DAHL. Donaldson P551000 for the water fuel sep @ 10 mic absolute and P551311 for the Final filter @ 2 mic absolute. I like to use Baldwin FB1311 Filter Bases. A single -6an is fine up to the Y to go into the heads and will handle way more flow @ pressure rate than you will ever need.

You can also always look into some of the prefab kits our vendors offer. They are all very good quality.


Well-known member
May 22, 2011
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on the road
I have filters/bases already, Tarm. Half inch hose from the prefilter forward (dual port inlet and outlet. Same setup after the pumps. I'm using Wix, we are on a program with them. Twelve mic before, 2 mic post pump. I don't have the part numbers on hand.
Half inch ss hard line from the post filter up to Irates rr kit, whuch should be in my driveway when I get up tomorrow:D
Parker hose (blue of course), parker and swagelok fittings. Got to decide on a cooler yet, something small enough to fit along the frame rail, and efficient enough to get 30-40 degree temp drop. I'm still looking at that.
I'm defintly interested in the dual Bosch setup as I'm only going to support 250/200.


May 23, 2011
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I believe irate had a dual pump mount, that looked pretty slick.
Strickly diesel has a good relay kit for the second pump or fuel lab etc

Strictly Diesel

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Jun 22, 2011
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I was given the same info as I was hounding the Bosch techs for a couple weeks striaght about what all they do to their pump and what not. While its not rates for diesel the way the tech put it to me without directly staying it was while they are not rated for diesel there are no internal differences in the pumps materials or design other than it being larger physically and higher flowing. To me that kind of got me the info I was looking for and had sort of figured was the case anyways. But I can see from a business position of selling pumps this would be a deal breaker for you as it would be hard to sell pumps specifically for diesel setups that is not covered by their basic warranty.

I tried and tried to get info from them. They won't tell you squat about the Ford OEM pump because "it was developed under contract with Ford". I tried to get them to tell me if any other pumps were made with the same internal components or materials and got "we can't confirm what's in the Ford pump or whether any other pumps have the same internals". I really hate secret squirrel ****!

My issue selling them has always been the fact that I would have to tell customers that there is no warranty on the pump. I never tried it, maybe they would just tell me "who cares about a warranty"...


New member
May 19, 2011
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Yes I got basically the same thing. And I would also agree fully with why its a deal breaker for you to sell them given the warranty issue. Kind of sucks if it does end up being as durable becasue either way some will always fail as with any product and then what, eat the cost ? Not smart business.

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