A regulated return and fuel pump are very good ideas with aftermarket, larger njectors. With the regilated return you dont have to remove yhe fuel bowl, that is more for trying to clean up the clutte red engine compartment. The fuel lab pumps, while expensive, seem ato be the way to go. I ahve also heard good things about puttng 6.7 pumps on. My air dog is starting to drop pressure and has only been on about a year. Its only dropping to 58 or so, but aint holding steady like it should. I have been reading this is common with the air dogs and fass systems.
A sump will help with the quarter tank fuel supply issues with the aftermarket pumps, but if you intend on using the truck with the factory skid plate, you will need to shim the skid pkate down to clear. The one hole sumps seem to have less issue than the ones you have to drill a bunch of bolt holes for, as those tend to leak if you dont get it perfect, and are a pain in the ass to drill all the holes.