Steve...I have a Diesel Site Adrenaline HPOP that I can send to Bob to check out for you before he would ship it to you....or...I have EVERYTHING needed to change your truck from the '03 style HPO system to the '05 system...HPOP, HPOP cover, wavey rails, tubes, branch tube, rocker boxes, valve covers, sensors...etc.
I also have a set of Elite H-11 head studs for sale...and a bunch of other stuff I can't even remember...just ask.
I am offering guys an easy payment plan for all of this stuff...if you want an item, or items, put some money down, and make payments on it...take a month or two...
I know these repairs are expensive as hell, and if you do it yourself, you can save alot of money...
I'm just throwing this out there for you.
PM me if you are interested in anything.