100+ count?
their stable. hooked, unhooked, speeding or legal, their fine.
i got 40k out of my last set.
a side note though.
dont let them static balance them. you wont like it. if you dont have tpms sensors use equal, if you do have sensors, use equal beads. i use about a half a bag a tire.
when i have my guys balance them, i only let them put weights on the inside of my rims. it scratches the clear when they put them on the outside and thats where they start to turn to chit and oxidize.
so weights on the inside only, and then a half a bag of equal beads and you never have to balance them again. there also balanced at.....i'm really in a hurry speeds.
you dont have to go to those lengths to balance, but i live in my truck. and whatever tire i have ran, i never really liked just a static balance. they always felt like 15k or so in, they needed rebalanced. so i static the inside to get them close, and let the dynamic do the rest.