the Int'l T444E :naughty: A few of us here run the E-fan clutch.
Billy T.
[email protected]
If you run across one going for cheap if you could PM me. New they are close to $700 but I have seen them go for only a few hundred and even less on ebay.
I run the IH pump so I have the extra ports for the sensor. IIRC the only other real mod is changing out the AC high side temp sensor to allow dual so you can plug it in. IIRC it was like a ford taurus sensor that works and allows you to have it. Have not looked into it since the old powerstroke nation and it may have even been the TDS days.
Right now I am trying to work out a way with the IH pump to run the dual alts. From what I understand I will have the mod the bracket. Want to run a alt dedicated to welding something like the premier setup.
About the ATI balancer if anyone is interested I recall a good number of older threads where it was mentioned that you should have the rotating parts balanced with the ATI mounted. I have no idea if something changed but I know for builds it was considered the way to go so..... If its best to do when building a engine that draws into question its performance when its not. Not saying either ways as I do not know. I have only run a fluid dampers.
I also do recall Jason mentioning that in the pullers the fluid damper had issues at the higher RPMS those guys are turning. Can not recall what the damage was but there was something. But those guys are turning what 4.5-5K+. They were recommending the ATI but to have it attached with the assembly was being balanced.
I have not heard personally any negatives in performance for the fluid dampers in street trucks but I am not connected to that many. Best to get info from the shop guys that see tons of these IMO.