HELP!!!! Need some expert advice

Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Ridgeville Indiana
So i purchased a truck that had the high pressure turbo going out. Got the truck home. Got the turbos out and the low pressure side was perfectly fine. I went ahead and rebuilt it anyway. Got to the high pressure side and it was in bad shape. Had fried oil in it and it looked like the rings that go behind the exhaust compressor wheel had siezed and ate into the housing. So I bought a new center cartridge. It came already preassmbled just had to bolt on vgt and compressor housing. I tried to clean out any fried oil and carbon build up out of the vgt. It opened and closed pretty freely. I installed a NEW oil feed line. I put it all back together and got it started and it seemed to be fine. Quit burning the oil in the exhaust. I made sure i oiled the turbos excessivly and spinning by hand before installation. Let the truck run for 5 min without any throttle. Drove around slowly for a few miles before slowing working up to full boost. Everything worked great. So now roughly 75 miles later. The truck has a problem with the high side turbo again. Its only did it a couple times but you can be driving down the high way at 55 and truck will just start to make a woosh noise like air blowing off. But if you even just bump the throttle the boost jumps back up to 7 to 10 pounds or so. The woosh goes away. Then if hold the throttle back steady it will be fine for a sec then it will just drop off to 4 or 5 pounds again. Bump the throttle it goes away. Kinda like when its regening but its not. now i noticed when you shut off the truck its makes a worse woosshh woossshh wossh noise and the bearings sound funny in the high pressure side. Had a guy i know look at it he kinda thought the same thing i did. Maybe theres something wrong with the vgt or the accuator? He said he knows some of the other manufactors have what he said a turbo relearn process that controls that but didnt know about the fords. But the truck has only been drove easy. Only drove it hard enough to see full boost for a really short peroid of time ussally from 55 to 70 or so but only did that two or three times. So what do you guys think?
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Active member
May 18, 2011
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I would suppose that there is a good chance that the dpf is now plugged from all of the oil.

Do you have a way to monitor back pressure and vgt duty cycle?
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Ridgeville Indiana
I was wondering if there was something wrong with the vanes not operating proper might have been what caused the turbo to go out to begin with, by making it overheat? Its just wierd how that turbo had problems let the low pressure side looked perfectly fine. It didnt even need rebuilt. But i did since it was apart.
Jan 29, 2013
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Ridgeville Indiana
Anyone have any other sugguestions. Try to decide if i should take a chance a rebuild the high pressure side and put dpf delete on it with chip. but hate to spend the cash unless i know its probabaly gonna fix it. Thanks, Eric
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Ridgeville Indiana
Thanks silverpsd 06, I think its stuck in regen or something and caused the high pressure side to overheat and fry the oil and take out the new turbo with less than 100 mi on it. Its probably what made the orginal one go out also.
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Big Angry Hillbilly

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Dec 31, 2011
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Honestly sounds like a Regen.... Mine does the exact same did at light to steady throttle when it regenerates


Cycle through the cluster options until you find "SYSTEM CHECK" and run that. You will either use the info setup and reset buttons or the single odometer reset peg to accomplish this.

It will say "cleaning exhaust filter" during the system check if the truck is in regen.
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Ridgeville Indiana

Cycle through the cluster options until you find "SYSTEM CHECK" and run that. You will either use the info setup and reset buttons or the single odometer reset peg to accomplish this.

It will say "cleaning exhaust filter" during the system check if the truck is in regen.

I did this the other day. it didnt say it was regening. but i will try it again. Also i was told you could hear the pressure blowing back out the intake when you shut the key off. But what all controls the vgt? I wanna get this turbo fixxed but wanna make sure i know whats causing it so it dosent happen again. So any and all help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Eric


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May 26, 2011
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Wellsville KS
What are you basing that the secondary charger is shot?? Mine any time its caught in a regeneration cycle if you shut the truck off it will make a more noticeable surge sound than it would had it not been in a cycle. It will also do it if you chop the throttle during a cycle.. I think what you are hearing is the excessive backpressure stalling the compressor wheel when there is no longer exhaust gas flow from the engine. Unless it has hit the compressor housing or there is a chitload of play in and out i wouldn't worry about it. I think using auto inginuity you can cyle the vgt without the engine running since it is electronic. That will tell you if there is an issue with the vgt
Jan 29, 2013
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Ridgeville Indiana
When you shut the truck off you can hear the hp turbo shaft still spinning and making like a clicking noise, And i just bought it as a new center cartridge. The old hp turbo had fried oil caked all in it and looked really bad. it ate in the housing. Looks like it was from a lack of oil or excessive heat. But seeing how the lp side was perfect and i Didnt even need rebuilt but did anyway. It wouldnt be from a lack of oil seeing how the lp side was fine and i replaced the oil feed line anyway just play safe. So that leaves excessive heat. you will be driving on the highway 55 and it just starts wooshing really loud and pressure drops to 4 or 5 but its funny like i stated before, you can bump gas and it goes away and slowly drops again. and no mention of cleaning exhaust filter in dash. My AE also told me that the truck previosuly had high ash level in the dpf. But it was old code and wasnt and never became active. But ill get a video and post it in a little bit thanks for the help everyone. I really gotta get this fixed.
Jan 29, 2013
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Ridgeville Indiana
Well i cant get video of it cuz it wont do it with the engine cold i guess but when you shut it off with the hood open you can hear the hp turbo still spinning down and it makes like a rattling/clanking noise. it deffitently is comming from the vgt side of the cartridge. but it just started it yesterday
Jan 29, 2013
Reaction score
Ridgeville Indiana
So should i just pull the turbos again and rebuild the high pressure side and do a dpf delete and hope that fixes it? I will also look at the vgt again but it looked good when it was apart last time?
Jan 29, 2013
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Ridgeville Indiana
So theres no one out there that can give me any more advice on what to look for that might have caused or is causing my problem? Iam gonna go ahead and pull the turbos are rebuild the high pressure side and do a dpf delete. I will make sure i look to see if theres any fried oil in the new cartridge. Cant figure any other reason a new cartridge would start making bearing noise so fast at shut down. I just cant afford to stick this back together and have it smoke another turbo. I just wonder if its all the dpf being plugged, or if the vgt is sticking open or closed causing excessive heat? Is the exhaust back pressure absoulte on ae what i wanna read or the volts? Its 14 some psi before its running and after its running at idle. Anyone that has some info on proper values for the ae for me to go off would be great.


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May 18, 2011
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Looks to me like the high pressure vanes might be stuck without a video or more info I won't be more help. It would help to know what the vgt duty cycle is at the time of the noise.

If the oil has been that hot in the turbos there is a good chance the other turbo is no good either

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