How not to ship injectors

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Sep 12, 2011
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This is where your issue started.....The injectors were never purchased through the company, you bought them from a private party and then asked us to fix a set of injectors that were not ours....Yes, was he an employee of this company..... Yes, did he sell them as MFI injectors.....But No we did not have to warranty them. We could have simply told you to contact GREG FURTAK (PIZZAPIG) and settle your issue with him since that's who you bought the injectors from. Before you sent them back you were claiming they were our injectors, at that time you were in possession of stolen product and we did not have any right to honor any warranty....We were trying to make it "right" with all of our customers since we were blind to the LOW LIFE that you bought them from.......I have spoke to you once, and in your timeline of events you never once mentioned you called the shop. If the reason was because you sleep during the day and cannot call us....FOR EVERYONE, call this # 443-540-1653 or email me at [email protected]. That is my work cell phone number & emial, you can call/email it at any hour, if I dont answer leave a message and ill return it ASAP. (I never sleep)

Back to the OP. You now have our injectors with our warranty, So any issues IE... a broken connector contact us either by phone or email and we will make it right.

Bobby not once did I say it was MFI/MPD I bought my injectors from and I will tell anyone that is not who I bought my injectors from there for awhile on this thread we were talking about farmers injectors(I thought the op bought farmers through you guys) and my point was my vendor Sent my injectors for a flow check and I was implying it might be a farmers issue I got a pm from the owner of the vendor I bought my injectors through (same guy I did the paypal transaction with) and he assured me they are 300/200 injectors. I apologize for the confusing and once again my bitching was not toward you guys but the possibility that farmers just packs there injectors like ****.

Tom S

May 20, 2011
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My truck is down right now because of a bad trans. I also need some injectors, my 250\200's are getting tired with 120,000 on them.

Guess who is not on my list to get injectors from.

I would have to agree here. Not because of the past employee antics but actually because of the tone of the replies in this thread. The first post in this thread from the vendor really should have had a different tone in my opinion.


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Jun 23, 2011
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Greg was selling them but getting money to him personally and putting them in MFI boxes was my understanding

I understand that too but business 101 says it IS their problem.

I thought woodboy was being unreasonable but the more its the other side he has reason to be pissed. After the shtishwo with Greg Burpsak they should have not committed a fatal shipping flaw. Derp derp x2.

Guess you gotta spend 50 grand on your 6.4 to.get any attention.


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May 18, 2011
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Finksburg, Maryland
I understand that too but business 101 says it IS their problem.

I thought woodboy was being unreasonable but the more its the other side he has reason to be pissed. After the shtishwo with Greg Burpsak they should have not committed a fatal shipping flaw. Derp derp x2.

Guess you gotta spend 50 grand on your 6.4 to.get any attention.

Oh I know. I've had great luck with MPD, and didn't spend $50k, but I was dealing with Buddy not Greg


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Jun 23, 2011
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Oh I know. I've had great luck with MPD, and didn't spend $50k, but I was dealing with Buddy not Greg

I exaggerated but my point was this set of injectors is coming off as small potatoes to them. Bad set of injectors to screw the pooch over.


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Jun 23, 2011
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I know you were, but honestly I think Jason's post hit the nail on the head

Thats cool. Im reading this and I agree with that too but neither side is approaching this to where that will be part of the solution to this problem. Honestly they should just refund EVERYTHING he paid them and move on. This has gone on long enough that a set of injectors.should.have showed up with instructions to.ship.back, free of charge, the other set. Make it right or piss off.

Im not even mad lol. What else is there? You rectify it or watch part of your foundation crumble in front of your market.


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Mar 25, 2014
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We would love to move on....IF HE WOULD CALL!!!! if he took the time to call the office and not post threads or send IM's, this would have been fixed weeks ago


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Aug 24, 2011
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It seems with y'all it's always the customers fault for things that go wrong.


Jun 21, 2011
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Whittier, CA
We would love to move on....IF HE WOULD CALL!!!! if he took the time to call the office and not post threads or send IM's, this would have been fixed weeks ago

Post #47, did none of this happen?

First off, there are some awesome people on this forum. I logged in today to 4 new PM’s. Two people offered up either core injectors, or injector solenoids to help me get back on the road. Another individual, who I purchased the HB Jr. from, offered to buy the pump back from me so I could free up some cash.

For anyone reading this thread and thinking I am trying to stain MPD/MFI’s name, that isn’t the case. I’ve given plenty of opportunities for this issue to be resolved amicably for both sides.

Here is a timeline of events:
5/6/14 – Injector cores arrive at MFI.
5/8/14 – Credit card payment for injectors.
5/9/14 – Injectors ship.
5/13/14 – Injectors arrive.
5/17/14 – Injectors are installed.
5/20/14 – Initial contact is made with MFI (Greg) regarding a potential issue. At this point I am confident that air in the HPO system is not the issue. He advises that I do a CCT/PERDEL test (which I’ve already done).
5/30/14 – Injectors arrive at MFI to be gone through again. Greg informs me that they all perform flawlessly on the bench, and recommends I begin troubleshooting other components. Given MPD’s reputation for quality, I take their word for it and begin working my way through other components.
6/9/14 – Additional sets of injectors cores arrive at MFI. Credit is supposed to be issued to my Visa card.
6/10/14 – My injectors are delivered and re-installed. I begin the process of replacing parts in an effort to rectify the issues. I do not have exact dates for all of the parts I purchased, but here is a general summary.
-HPOP (2x, once with a used 17* pump and again with HB Jr.)
7/15/14 – I receive a credit card notice that my account is overdrawn. Upon further investigation I realize my credit for additional injector cores was never issued. I attempt to contact Greg, but discover he is no longer working at MFI. I then contact Bobby, with no reply.
7/25/14 – I contact Craig regarding my core credit. He tells me to call the shop, which I do, and finally receive my 40-day overdue core credit. No apology for holding my money. The person on the phone actually seemed rather rude.
8/07/14 – After exhausting all other possible causes, I contact Craig regarding the perpetual injector issues. He replies that I can send them back in ‘and I will be taken care of’. I ask when I should send them, and when is the soonest they will be looked at. No reply.
8/13/14 – I again contact Craig in an attempt to get my injectors looked at. No reply.
8/20/14 – For the third time, I attempt to contact Craig regarding my injectors. No reply.
8/31/14 – I contact Craig for a fourth time, and finally receive a reply. He informs me he will personally go through my injectors as soon as they are delivered.
9/2/14 – Injectors are sent back to MFI for the second time (both paid for by me). Box has ‘ATTN CRAIG’ and ‘INJECTORS-UREGENT’ written on it.
9/6/14 – Injectors are delivered at MFI.
9/8/14 – Contact Craig to confirm injectors arrived, and ask for an ETA on when they will be back in my hands. No reply.
9/10/14 – Again contact Craig to ask if he has looked at my injectors, and give him a heads up that I need them back ASAP.
9/11/14 – Again, no reply from Craig. I decide to be the squeaky wheel and create a thread in their vendor section, as well send another PM.
9/11/14 – I notice that Craig has made numerous posts in their ‘Triple Turbo’ build thread, but has still not replied to my PM’s or the thread I created. I decide to escalate things in order to hopefully get some attention.
9/12/14 – I finally receive a rude reply from Craig, giving excuses for why my injectors had not been touched and that he “isn’t always available to reply to PM’s” (but he can post in other threads?)
9/12/14 – I tell Craig not to bother with my injectors. That I would like a refund and a set of cores, and we can put this behind us. He tells me a ‘refund is not an option’ and that my injectors will be built Monday and overnighted. I am also informed that I am 'lucky' they are honoring the injector warranty, given i removed solenoids to confirm improper armature clearance before sending them back.
9/16/14 – Injectors arrive back to me.
9/19/14 – I return home from a business trip, find damaged injectors, and create this thread. The rest is already open to the public, so no need to expound further.

Draw your own conclusions. Just keep in mind that I did not bring my issues to the forum until after 4+ months. Dragging a company through the mud would have been immediately running to the forum and complaining 'my truck won't run'. Instead, I did my best to remain patient and troubleshoot the issues logically.

I was also not asking for a groundbreaking one-off build here that would require patience. A set of 160/100 injectors are nothing new, and any number of vendors on this forum are capable of fulfilling that request.

If a couple of cracked injector solenoids were the only issue I had, there is no way this would have escalated to where we are today. However, every aspect of this ordeal has reflected shoddy workmanship and business practices on behalf of MPD/MFI. Sure, some of them are related to an individual who is no longer working for the company, but my response to that is: chose your employees more carefully. The customer should never be responsible for bearing the burden of your employee’s incompetence. I’m not sure if the improper packaging was just a final “F*ck you” after stirring things up in their vendor section, or if that is actually the way they conduct business, but in either case it perfectly summarizes the issue I’ve had. No pride in the product they offer.

Not once have I received an apology for anything on MPD/MFI’s end.
No ‘sorry our employee sold you a set of defective injectors’.
No 'Your injectors are clearly FUBAR, we'll send you a set of good ones free of charge, just return the defective ones'.
No ‘sorry we dropped the ball on issuing your core credit’.
No ‘sorry we took so long to have your injectors re-rebuilt and shipped back to you’.
No ‘sorry we have been difficult to get ahold of’.

I really wish I had been able to create a thread praising MPD/MFI for building an awesome set of injectors, or for their impressive customer service, but sadly that isn't the case.

To Craig, Bobby and anyone else from MPD/MFI, here is my piece of advice. Just because you are a 'trusted' vendor of this forum now doesn't mean anything if you allow compromises in your quality and integrity. Stealth, Dozer's, Go-Go and Black Widow were all trusted vendors on the forums at one point. Where are they now?


May 18, 2011
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Arlington, Texas
If it was my shop, the OP would have a brand new set of injectors on his door. There would be a label in the box to return the other set of injectors when he gets them pulled.

Even if it was a crooked ex-employee that caused this mess, it was not the customer. He bought them in good faith. Even if it is not your fault, it is your name on the product, and your reputation on the line. A set of injectors is cheap, especially when compared to your reputation as a stand up shop.


Active member
May 21, 2011
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9 miles high @ 550 mph
If it was my shop, the OP would have a brand new set of injectors on his door. There would be a label in the box to return the other set of injectors when he gets them pulled.

Even if it was a crooked ex-employee that caused this mess, it was not the customer. He bought them in good faith. Even if it is not your fault, it is your name on the product, and your reputation on the line. A set of injectors is cheap, especially when compared to your reputation as a stand up shop.
+10000 kazillion....Gotta be proud of it later. ...that's my motto.

Companies that embrace that philosophy get my money for products & services. Those that don't...may get it once...until I figure it out...but then won't ever get again.

Good luck to MFI on being proud of this one later.


Well-known member
Jan 25, 2012
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What about how you packed and shipped the injectors? Is that your standard way to pack injectors?


No that is not the normal way they normally go in 4×4×7 boxes wrapped in paper tightly but we were out of those boxes and I was out of town and the guys did not pack them as good as possible

If you contact this # 410-354-0340 I'm sure the guys on the other end of the line will gladly assist you.....we package up every single one of our injectors in the same fashion and you are the first person that I know of to have an issue



New member
May 18, 2011
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If it was my shop, the OP would have a brand new set of injectors on his door. There would be a label in the box to return the other set of injectors when he gets them pulled.

Even if it was a crooked ex-employee that caused this mess, it was not the customer. He bought them in good faith. Even if it is not your fault, it is your name on the product, and your reputation on the line. A set of injectors is cheap, especially when compared to your reputation as a stand up shop.

And yes this is how it could have been handled I cant help what our previous employee did...... in fact I have no proof or clue that they came back until this thread it was never mentioned before in all of his pms if It was I would have sent him a new set out I was under the assumption this was the first issue and never once said he has dumped thousands in his truck and now he thought the injectors are bad ...also 99 percent of this could have been fixed if the phone was picked up sometimes it is hard to read pms on here threw out the day when we have a million things going on thus the reason I have 5 people in the office to answer phones and things get taking care of right away I know he works from 6 to 6 but im sorry there is a lunch break there and if you need to get something handled like this pick up the phone it takes a lot less time to talk on the phone then type out emails or pms..we are also open til 7 and sometimes later and all day Saturday as well.

as far as shipping those are not our normal boxes for injector they are for our egr delete kits as I stated we were out of them and we have a new guy in the office that was packaging and obviously didn't pack them well enough but things do happen and its how you handle it not posting and on the internet that the clip is broken and packed like crap and not once pm or call someone and tell us and we could have next day aired a solenoid out and he could have switched it out or we could have sent a whole new injector out but we were never giving that option he just let it go on the internet which is not the way to hande things..

our offer still stands to send them back and we will give a full refund but we have not received a answer for that as well so currently lack of communication is not on our end we have a full staff of 5 peoplein the office if you cant get in touch with me than there is others here willing to help

Sent from my 20344 using Tapatalk


New member
Jun 2, 2011
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BC Canada
And yes this is how it could have been handled I cant help what our previous employee did...... in fact I have no proof or clue that they came back until this thread it was never mentioned before in all of his pms if It was I would have sent him a new set out I was under the assumption this was the first issue and never once said he has dumped thousands in his truck and now he thought the injectors are bad ...also 99 percent of this could have been fixed if the phone was picked up sometimes it is hard to read pms on here threw out the day when we have a million things going on thus the reason I have 5 people in the office to answer phones and things get taking care of right away I know he works from 6 to 6 but im sorry there is a lunch break there and if you need to get something handled like this pick up the phone it takes a lot less time to talk on the phone then type out emails or pms..we are also open til 7 and sometimes later and all day Saturday as well.

as far as shipping those are not our normal boxes for injector they are for our egr delete kits as I stated we were out of them and we have a new guy in the office that was packaging and obviously didn't pack them well enough but things do happen and its how you handle it not posting and on the internet that the clip is broken and packed like crap and not once pm or call someone and tell us and we could have next day aired a solenoid out and he could have switched it out or we could have sent a whole new injector out but we were never giving that option he just let it go on the internet which is not the way to hande things..

our offer still stands to send them back and we will give a full refund but we have not received a answer for that as well so currently lack of communication is not on our end we have a full staff of 5 peoplein the office if you cant get in touch with me than there is others here willing to help.

Wow, sorry to the OP. I see another "trusted vendor" just lost their trustworthiness. Too bad for your shady employee but thats your issue Mpd/Mfi. Sometimes life and work to paybills, support families come first. Having you say he didn't call when he did, and talked to a goon employee of yours who was doing shady deals. Not his fault you hire clowns. And it sounds like you wanted to clown him too. Till he came to the Army to show us all it could have been one of us. Then you offer the full refund he wanted weeks ago. How do we know your other 5 emplyees answering the phone aren't clowns? It seems to everyone else fault, first your employee selling injectors behind your back. Second, a new employee improperly packs them up and causes them to break. That's strikes 1 and 2. Then you claiming its someone else fault. That's strike 3. Full Force Diesel here I come boys. That is a true "trusted Vendor".

Once again, sorry to the OP. But thank you for helping me avoid your mistakes.
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