Most every manufacturer, whether domestic or foreign uses this type system. Embedded in the head of the vehicle’s ignition key is a miniature RFID Transponder Chip which contains one of a trillion possible electronic codes. When the key is inserted into the vehicle’s ignition, the transponder sends a signal to a disc shaped antenna surrounding the key cylinder housing behind the shroud on the steering column. The antenna then relays a signal to the control module and if the signal is correctly recognized, the vehicle is allowed to start. If access is attempted without the correct code, critical systems (ignition, starter) remain inoperable. This all sounds good on paper but all this system does is keep honest people honest, because it is very easy to bypass. The thieves are now using laptop computers with recorded RF codes to bypass them in about 20 seconds, which is probably why the factory installs these systems for free. Sadly, many car dealers tell their customers that because of this special transponder chip in their key that the car cannot be stolen.