I would venture to say that pulsewidth can already be maxed out with the help of the stage 1 FICM flash and tuning. The orig flash Bill had 2 years ago works great with my tuning. It sounds like the new stage 1 is even a little better yet.
Bills tuning compliments any custom tuning.:thumbsup: I've tried my Truck Source, Innovative and Quick Tricks tunes with his original FICM tuning and it brought them all to life!
I would like to try the SRL++ as well as Bills big horse power SCT tune. I've done write ups on all my tunes and everyone saw my dyno numbers from the Super Panties at PHP. I like to have first hand experience with these tunes before I recommend them to my members. Every tune has it's plus's and different tunes work better for different people and their driving habits. We have had 5 members contacting Chris at TSD since my write up on the Super Panties.
Matt, I would also like to talk to you about the average mpg's to be expected from the SRL++. We currently have a GPDA member running that tune and while he made very impressive numbers with this tune at the PHP dyno day, he complains of horrible fuel mileage. From other reports I've read on this tune, it usually seems to produce very acceptable fuel mileage. This leads me to believe there could be something corrupted in the tune. This is the first instance I've heard of a truck losing mpg's on a custom tune. You wrote this tune for the truck's first owner while it was in Texas. The new owner (Chris) bought the truck in Texas and brought it back here. If you could shoot me a PM when you have time, I'd like to talk to you about it.