Smokin 6.0
Having issues with my 05 randomly dieing. Most of the time it’s right after I have let out of the throttle at low speeds or when it’s sitting idle. It will start to act like it’s gunna die and then recover and run fine and then sometimes it dies.. every time it restarts just fine. I have unplugged the ICP and driven it that way for awhile and it hasn’t ever died. One time it started hard with the ICP unplugged kinda like it was starting to hydro lock and then it starts and there is a TON of white smoke that smells like raw fuel. Other times it started ok. Any thoughts I have access to a snap on that I can monitor and look for things but it will take me a few days to get it. Also if it’s randomly dieing will live data tell me anything or do I have to be looking at it as the symptoms are happening.. thanks in advance