whats the purpose of over torquing them, arp says 210 is where they should be with the lube, i could see maybe 220, but i have heard of guys going to 285.....
I've asked this numerous times and even though a lot of guys are doing it, no one has any good excuses as to why. Maybe one or two guys had issues at 210, like Ellerton, but I doubt any others have. I'll bet none of them have done the math to back it up either, they're just guessing and going with the "more is better" approach.
They are also telling you how to put them in for slightly raised cylinder pressures, I would say that with the boost levels of some of these trucks that a little extra clamping force for the added cylinder pressure sure as he'll wouldn't hurt
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I'm guessing they're not basing it off of mods on the truck at all, probably basing it more on the yield strength of the stud if anything. It's not hard to figure out. They certainly couldn't account for every truck out there with different mods.
If you think you're running enough power to justify going way above and beyond what ARP recommends, why not just contact ARP and see what they recommend for your specific setup?
I'm going to point this thread to the ARP rep I've spoken to and see what he says.