depending what BASE file the tune was built off, HS for some reason pulled some Pre injection 1 fuel amount from the table in some of the tunes... thats the one that will casuse you to hear that sound.... they puled it right around the 2000RPM mark in the upper load range. ensure that your activation maps are on ( set to 1) for the pre injection 1 maps, ( dont worry so much about pre injection 2 activation tables in the upper RPM) then go over in to Pre inj. 1 mass fuel commanded Temp 0, and temp 1 and ensure that there is not 0s in the area of the rattle ( likely if your getting a rattle there will be no commanded mass fuel amounts) ... if there is 0s start adding fuel till it shuts the rattle up and makes a happy sound ( if you have access to the tune thats in to the truck, im assuming that its got custom tunes if your running a single with bigger sticks) .