Sorry guys and gals for leaving out some info. The HPOP issue is only building to 2200 if I stab the throttle and almost 3000 if I slowly roll into it. So trying to get that fixed now. I do have a 38R installed in right now so I would think I have the air at this elevation. Making about 30 psi. The reason I am asking that maybe switching injectors is because I really have a guy that wants to buy the ones I have now. So just looking at opitions to see if there is something better for my setup.
Bigbore I am running the same tunes as you from Curtis. I might need to talk to you more about your truck PM.
2000 7.3, auto, 160/80, afe 1 and 38r
Ohhh ok thats right lol, now I know who you are LOL.
No need to go PM, it's your thread and it could help others.
30psi is def good, I can barely get 28/29 at Denver with a little bigger injector, but I think I did see signs of a small exhaust leak at the uppipe where the preturbo pyro attaches.
I hope you can get those ICP issues ironed out, sure has been a head scratcher. along those lines, I don't remember what all you did, but a sticky IPR comes to mind when thinking of your issue, did you ever try swapping in for a known good one? ICP sensor?