First off, I'm more willing to help someone who acts humble or respectful. Second of all, you skipped the whole phase of reading and listening first. You came out of nowhere and started trying to be the tough love critic when it's fairly apparent you don't know schit. If you really did you would have told him exactly what was wrong already but you don't so you're acting like he's the DA. It's ok to joke but if you aren't good at it, as you admitted, find a new way to get around. Last point, new information keeps surfacing as its recalled and learned, hence the term troubleshooting. This is how tech forums work little buddy.
To the OP, don't overlook the simplest things such as boots, worn clamps, or leaking uppipes. You have to be holding a massive boost leak. Start at your exhaust manifolds and work towards your turbo. Get a chunk of pvc from the hardware store and a Schrader valve and use compressed air to look for leaks. Some.soapy water would help. Hit up a member who is local and ask for help. I've helped several guys on the the forums. You won't find better knowledge than here, anywhere!