Tim @ P.I.S.
It's a never ending cycle of sucking money out of your wallet.
That is the truth!!
It's a never ending cycle of sucking money out of your wallet.
Marty has told me he ran 400/400s and a s475 on a forged bottom.. how is 250/200s pushing it
Yes, you can run that setup. Eventually at ~700 rwhp you're going to destroy something. Might take 5k miles, might take 50k miles.... depends on how you use it.
250/200's work great for everything. Driveable and powerful. You can make 600 rwhp or so on fuel with them. I went 12.6 @ 106 @ 7700lbs... with 250/200's and S466 on fuel. That's over 600 rwhp...
Same setup I tow with, also same set up that took 20k lbs over 6% grades at 85 and I boiled the coolant LOL.
The whole idea is cost vs value.... use a forged rod engine, break it, then decide... build or just toss another forged rod engine in. If you're going to BUILD an engine designed to MAKE power... factory forged rods are not even an option. I use hypermax, manley, carrillo or crowers. I think carrillo were the cheapest last time I checked a couple months ago.