11-14 turbos can't handle the psi our trucks desire.
I knew that the early 2011's are very prone to burning up. I did not know that tuning had little effect (other than the high boost tunes). I would love a 15 turbo with billet guts, but $3500 is a pretty penny to spend if I plan on upgrading to the 2017 or 2018, whenever it may be.
I looked everywhere for this and found it. Sorry but thanks for the reply. I was coming to post the information I found. If this isn't right, feel free to interject.
"Ford engineers are retiring the GT32 single sequential turbocharger ("DualBoost") in favor of a larger Garrett GT37. The GT37 has a single, 88 mm compressor wheel, as opposed to the GT32's dual compressor wheel design."
Stock 2015 retrofit kits run $2699. Billet versions and performance piping options go up from there.