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Anyone ever attempt to look into setting up a Jake brake in there truck? I am not talking about an exhaust break. I am reffering to an actual tranmission or motor Jake brake?
PAC brake makes one for Cummins
PAC brake makes one for Cummins
its a pedal set up and all? A pedal jake?
No, its not an exhaust brake. Pacbrake, makes an exhaust brake, yes. This is an engine brake. For the 6.7 Cummins. Same principal as a Jacobs brake
When you figure out how to rig up solenoids on the exhaust valves and then a way to control it you can be the first
Any ideas? Or if they do make a housing with the solenoids for a 7.3L motor? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Why do you need an engine/exhaust brake? Do you understand the differences between the two? If you just need to knock some speed out of downhill towing, a ebpv setup would probably work fine for you. What is a "pedal jake"?
Or mybe u should ask your self WHY has jacobs not made one for the international engines. Its been brought up b4 and came out to the fact of it would damage the engine due to the design of the engine. I belive the lifters were the problem
Theoretically it couldn't/shouldn't be more than it does under power when you look at cylinder pressures under load . . .
This seems like another tool for idiots to put on to make their trucks more obnoxious and full-full their desire of a wanna-be trucker, complimenting their stacks and excessive lights. A few haulers will appreciate such in the mountains, otherwise an exhaust brake, proper shift strategies and proper working truck and trailer brakes would be just fine for anything these small engines can move.
Why do you want one so bad? There's no way you tow enough to justify the headache of prototyping one to fail. Purely sound?