New member
Ill agree with you on that one Tank
Shut it OLD MAN!!Yep too damn dark. font to small, more evidence of discrimination towards the elderly.
LMAOEat my shorts you grumpy bastard
Lower right hand corner of your Internet Explorer window - click on zoom to 125% or 150% if your really fawking blind LOL......This is the only site that I gotta use my readin glasses to see.
Elder abuse I tell ya.
LOL And FireFox doesn't have a zoom setting?? :doh:Thanks for the suggestion :thumbup: I use firefux on a mac.
You act like I know sumthin about computers, with your kind suggestion I did some pokin around and figured out how to put the zoom on it. Thanks.
The color scheme still blows goats.
I agree, it is a bit dark. On another forum I am on there is a light/dark option. That way it can suit everyone
I think the contrast between the text and the background colors is what's straining the eyes. It does take some adjustment, but even after a while I have a hard time reading.
Another suggestion regarding color, or it can be done with icons. I can barely tell a difference between a thread that I have read (and has no new posts since I read it) and a thread that I haven't read yet. The text is just too close in color for me to make it out. I've tried it in IE and Safari... it's slightly worse in Safari.
That's all. Just thought I'd throw that out there since the color scheme has been brought up.
:whs: i can barely read it at all, my eyes don't adjust worth a ****