New member
Awwww shucks!! Thanks everyone.. I knew it would feel good to find him but I underestimated the "feel good". Hooray!!
Awwww shucks!! Thanks everyone.. I knew it would feel good to find him but I underestimated the "feel good". Hooray!!
way to go. Your such a trooper for sticking this out and helping phil bring his lost family member home. next time your in fort worth beers are on me for you doing such a wonderful job on this.
way to go. Your suck a trooper for sticking this out and helping phil bring his lost family member home. next time your in fort worth beers are on me for you doing such a wonderful job on this.
I meant such a trooper not suck lol
Damn auto correct from my phone
I HAVE HIM!!!! I CAUGHT HIM!! He's in my truck cooling off. I'm so excited I can barely breathe!! BUSTER is safe and Phil and Ashley are heading here from Odessa. Thank you God. So awesome. Crap, I said I wouldn't cry. Dammit, I'm such a girl. What a great day.
I HAVE HIM!!!! I CAUGHT HIM!! He's in my truck cooling off. I'm so excited I can barely breathe!! BUSTER is safe and Phil and Ashley are heading here from Odessa. Thank you God. So awesome. Crap, I said I wouldn't cry. Dammit, I'm such a girl. What a great day.
That is just incredible!! I'm proud to call you a friend!
Sooo, how about some details? How exactly did you find him? Get a call from a flier? Out on one of your reconnaissance patrols? Send up a fleet of drones? Commandeer some spy satellites?
Well Phil, together, we have passed out 100+ fliers today to every business north of I-20 at Exit 288 and some on ACU hill. We have handed pictures to every motel housekeeper, store clerk, restaurant and even to the ACU campus police. We have given photos to construction crews, the employees outdoor smoking area at the Walmart and to their garage mechanics because they have the door open all day. Every convenience store, hotel and motel housekeeper and maintenance person and people standing around has a picture of your dog. We've checked in with two apartment complexes and a housing development. We've taped fliers to poles and walls, stuffed mailboxes and you've been to the animal shelter to look, then left a flier there too. I will go check the Abilene Animal Shelter every day and I'm networking the tar out of Buster's picture on facebook and so are my friends. I even found two homeless people and called a Bible College friend of mine (lol..looking for a dog and found people) to come get them and he took them to Love and Care ministries for food, a shower, clothing and new shoes. I'm so sorry that you had to leave Abilene without your dog. I know that y'all are heartbroken but we're not giving up here in Abilene. Just wanted you to know. Come find me on facebook, okay? and the dog page is: Don't give up.
Priscilla in Abilene
Please feel free to give your Abilene friends my number, I would be happy to work with them or show them the areas where we think we need to be looking if they want to join the search. They can call me at 325-721-7013
It's my pleasure Phil, you're welcome. I've already been through the Abilene Animal Services Available and Stray dog page this morning and talked to them on the phone to make sure that the list is up to the minute current.
Buster has not been brought in. I will go down there in person later to check for myself. I have some work related things to do this morning and then I'm going out again to look, hand out more fliers and follow up with some of the people I spoke to yesterday. Lots of people praying for your dog.I'll call you later and give you an update. We're not done by a long shot!!
btw: Come friend me on's so much easier to stay in touch that way. Thanks!
Well, I was back on patrol. Spent the last 2 hours or so looking. I went back by some of the places from yesterday, especially since someone told Phil that they saw him at 3:33 am at the Chili's. I checked the pound again, went by the ACU maintenance barn, gave fliers to the the Super 8 motel maintenance and housekeepers, the Abilene Independent School District Region 14 maintenance men, the City Marshall (Officer Baird) the mail carrier for the apartments I was at yesterday, the maintenance man at the Whitten Inn, and posted fliers on poles in the neighborhood of Griffin and Wildwood Trail and Griffin and EN 16th BECAUSE: We got a LEAD!! A lady named Charlotte called me and she lives near there. She and her daughter saw him late yesterday and when they got home, they found the flier in their mailbox (Good job, Phil!) Anyways, she and her daughter are going to go look around the area again today. (even though he was spotted back north of I-20) This guy gets around!! Thankfully, today isn't as hot as yesterday and maybe he's finding water somewhere. There are creeks all over the place, maybe he'll find one. Oh... I found another homeless man. He took a flier and said he "camps" around the Walmart and Chili's and he will watch too. I told him that if he sees Buster and gets a leash on him and calls me, I'll give him a $100. So I guess I have officially started my own reward pool. Who wants to pledge to this this pool? How much will you pledge for the safe return of Buster? Please think about it. God bless you!!
I HAVE HIM!!!! I CAUGHT HIM!! He's in my truck cooling off. I'm so excited I can barely breathe!! BUSTER is safe and Phil and Ashley are heading here from Odessa. Thank you God. So awesome. Crap, I said I wouldn't cry. Dammit, I'm such a girl. What a great day.