I, myself, was not directing anything anywhere. The op is in canada and it sounds like he will have a tuning option available soon, that's great! I hope it works as well as with the older 6.7's.
To those that are saying that it's a small fish in a big pond deal, yadda yadda yadda answer me this, would edge, sct, h&s have stopped their product lines had the EPA not forced them too? It was a huge money maker, but they were shuttered. Don't believe me, call and ask them about it and future development plans.
Let's face it, after years of poor judgement by many out there everyday and online the diesel aftermarket industry has a huge bullseye on its back. It's a shame, but it's the truth. We're all going to pay the price for those that have been and are still foolish.
I'm done.