Just did HG and full updates on my 05 with 80k miles. Truck ran great on its first trip around the block, brought it back and changed the oil. OEM filters and T6 next day took it on a little trip again no issues. Today I was driving home and low oil pressure alarm came on, rev up the engine and gauge went up. Truck ran fine and no weird issues. Put a mechanical gauge on and I get 5psi revving makes little difference. I pulled the oil regulator and its not hung up and no metal found again no difference. Pulled filter and with filter out it fills the housing fast then drains back, hold drain back down and it holds oil. Don't know where to go from here. I don't have any kind of scan tool but truck runs pretty good so I don't see how I have a HPOP leak. I did OEM oil cooler and re-oringed everything is there a oil cooler bypass that could be jammed?