Warren 155/30% powermax turbo.
for your boost issues with the T popping off, is the intake you're gonna be running, the special one, still gonna use an elbow? I'd say tap the elbow if ya can or even the manifold maybe. harder for it to pop off i'd think.
Adrian, sounds like the problem you're having is that you're using that stupid plastic T that they send ya with the boost gauge...those are garbage and i will never use one. I only use brass fittings threaded into my intake elbow with compression fittings for a boost gauge.
My 205/150s arent holding icp on an 05+ pump tuning is going to need to be right to get all the useful power out of those injectors.
Shoot me a pm would you Adrian?
Still waiting on injectors, I know I wanted to put truck down, but I love to drive this beast. So I drove it last couple of days,trying not to get on it too much so egt's don't go crazy on me, but I didn't try hard enough. So the other night on way home I went to a closed non public roadangel
, so anyway I did a boosted launch 2wd and had water meth on. At about 12psi rear tires started to turn and I let it go smashing pedal down. Truck moved about 3feet and tires just started to go up in smoke, so I let off just a little and to get traction and nailed down again. The truck pushed my entire back into the seat and pined me there until I let off at well over 100mph. Egts only hit 1600 and I have noticed that egt are some times higher and lower. So I decided to get a CTS and hook it up to check the HPOP. I might have a weak one and if I do I will getting a pump from diesel site along with the feed system. I will also change all the orings out and then try out truck again before taking injectors out. I also noticed that 32 psi is all I can get and seems to drop 1-2 psi as I drive truck. truck is also smoky, which would also either be injectors or HPOP.
whats icp voltage look like?
I noticed that with my truck when tuned...ICP voltage will not read any higher than 2.3volts. And PSI will not read any higher than 1520psi. When turned back to stock...both volts and PSI will be much higher. Must be a tune thing with my truck.
Chris, I may be mistaken, but I believe from talking in depth with several tuners, that most tunes read low ICP. The idea is that the tune changes the reading to trick the computer into thinking the pressure needs to be raised, therefore making the HPOP work as hard as possible. Maybe a tuner will chime in, but I think you should always check ICP on the stock tune. Could be wrong though.