Two things when checking resistance.
One is anything less than 1ohm is not very accurate for a sensor reading very precise pressure. It needs to be down below 0.5 ohms of resistance.
Residual electronic noise going to the PCM is also an issue. Shielded ground wires to carry the noise away need to be grounded from termination point (ie. frame) and capped. Not connected on both ends.
Alternator noise also amplifys when the battery acid (clean water) is LOW.
The batteries act as a noise buffer and softener for the electronic noise produced from the alternator.
Im going to throw out one suggestion--- Change the batteries.
This is a funny issue, When I am flashing a caterpillar ECM with whatever code I CANNOT run the Pinout harness I use to bench flash directly off a battery charger-- it has to be buffered through a battery or else I stand a very HIGH chance of the ECM not taking the code do to un-buffered electronic noise.
Give it a whirl... Im curious!!