Are you sure the gear was straight?
I had this same problem a couple months ago. My truck was running great, but was bored one night and decided to swap my 15* pump for a 17* i had from one of my engines. Got it all back together and cranked and cranked and cranked. I have a Scangauge so i can watch ICP and DC, it was like 80% DC and 20psi. I fought it and fought it and fought it. Swapped IPR's and ICP sensors, everything i could think of it but it would not build ICP. Got pissed so i swapped my 15* back on quick. Again no change. Finally decided to pop the HPOP bolt cover off and rigged up my phone to record while i cranked. Sure enough it wasn't spinning I had the bolt plenty tight, but i never actually looked to see if the gear was straight. I have no idea how it didn't make any noise or chew up anything, or how i never even checked to see if the gear was lined up good with the pump either time.