how much HP you estimate?
lol holy mother............ hahahha it is quite impressive
how much HP you estimate?
it's low to mid 500's. I have the same setup (but with casserly's) and I'm guessing I'm around 530ish. he does have a small shot I think so I'm sure he could be up around 600 on spray.
fun isn't it Jesse!
07strokerftw If it was live tuned, I bet he could get a solid 550 to 575 out of it.
I'm willing to bet it's around low 500's
Your battery voltage seems a bit low. When was the last time you charged them or got new ones?
stroke of luck jesse if you hit up college station on a weekend let me know, I might see if Matt can fit in a live tune sesh with me too!
i smell a possible weekend road trip for live tuning and BEERS....and I like what I smell!